Longest Quote In A Title Sponsorship Press Release

United States



Las Vegas, Nevada, United States / February 17, 2015

To announce his company’s title sponsorship of San Francisco's iconic Bay to Breakers footrace, Zappos.com CEO Tony Hsieh included a 2,283-character (excluding spaces) quote in the official press release, a RecordSetter World Record. Read the entire release and Hsieh's record-setting quote here.


- entire quote must be stated by an individual person
- entire quote must be within a single set of quotation marks
- press release must pertain to title sponsorship of an event
- press release must be distributed to at least 30 press outlets
- quote must be at least 2,000 characters (excluding spaces)



Tags: longestquotepress release

  • Indonesia floresgaes rasa kopi

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  • Indonesia floresgaes rasa kopi

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  • The Internet Big R

    About time Tony discovered the B2B......like baseball....that has been very very very very very very good to the Bay Area recently....... Zappos steps up ......and hopefully returns the " Fun" to the race that recent sponsors have been very very very very stuffed shirt ( see: "suit" ) ....... Signed: The Official Entry Blank pictured runner for 1992 B2B....(;
    Good Going Tony!! Zappos ......" Always...A Step Ahead!".......

  • Wales Mark Evans

    dan you are very very very very vey very very funny

    • Canada Dan Rollman

      thank you very very very very very very very much, mark.

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