Largest Pierogi Made And Eaten


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Mississauga, Ontario, Canada / November 25, 2011

Professional eater Peter Czerwinski constructed, cooked and ate a pierogi that weighed 30 pounds.

NOTE: Speed eating can be dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

- eater must construct and cook own pierogi
- must begin and end attempt with clear mouth
- must provide video evidence


Tags: largesteatingmakingcookingpierogi

  • United States Timothy Coleman

    What a fun eating video. I can't believe how amazing your eating skills are. You can play GunSpin while eating for more fun.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    1. Did you weigh this thing? Doesn't look 30 pounds (translation: four babies).

    2. This isn't the largest pierogi (evidence of a larger one here: and it's not consumed by a single individual.

    For the reasons above, I vote we deny this record.

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