Record Broken!

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Highest Score In "Mini Putt 3" (Online)

The Internet

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Middlebury, Vermont, United States / January 26, 2013

Nick earned 24 points in Mini Putt 3.


- must be played in classic mode
- must follow RecordSetter video game rules
- must provide video evidence



Tags: gaminggamehighestscorepointsvideo gameonline game

  • United States LylerRC

    Now my name is changed

  • United States LylerRC

    I changed my username from RileyIsLwKeySmrt to LylerRC. I beat 22 and set a perfect score with a screenshot of 18 strokes a year ago. Now I need to practices all the holes and record it with my online screen recorder.

  • United States LylerRC

    I have gotten a score of 20, getting only holes 14 and 17 in 2 strokes. Hole 14 is possible, as I have done it only once before, but there is a way to get it in. Hole 17 through my testing is not possible. My shot I use is consistent, but it is not quite able to get in the hole. I have a screenshot of the score but don't know where to log in and put my score.

  • Brazil Nachtigall Vaz

    This record is fail, because to break this we need to do a lowest score. The score is basead on the number of movements you do. Its necessary to especify this on the rules.

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