Record Broken!

See Current

Most Hats Put On Head In 10 Seconds

United States

1 like

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States / April 25, 2011

Alex Cunningham put on 14 hats in 10 seconds.

- must put on hats one at a time
- all hats on must remain on top of head for at least three seconds once time limit is complete
- no assistance from others permitted
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mosthatwearingclothing

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Peter going to analyze your comment in 3 parts.

    1. It's still up. I left it at 1,000 for a while.

    2. I actually submitted my record as 13 hats because I went back and didn't think the 14th got on.

    3. I can only hope :)

  • Australia Peter Craig

    haha, love the eating away at Brian's record tally... watch your back Pankey! People will soon be saying "Why is there a Brian counter when everyone else uses the Alex system?"

  • Australia Peter Craig

    I reckon the time went at 13 on this one... but I LOVE the fast forward failed attempts, that's great. My attempts would go for an hour in fast forward of failed attempts :)

  • Australia Peter Craig

    Keep up the Brian Pankey counter Alex, I like it :)

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Hi Meg. Criteria says "must keep hats on head". Seems like from watching the video, you were just piling up the hats on your head while holding it. Should stay on your head in a matter of seconds without touching. See the way how Alex Cunningham did it. You could give it another try, i'm sure you'll do better

  • The Internet Meg McNamara

    How does this not follow criteria? what did I do wrong?

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    My voice is NOT this high in real life by the way. And I hope Brian is cool with this, my whole "Brian Pankey counter" thing was just to be silly.

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