Most Habanero Peppers Eaten In 90 Seconds While Standing On One Foot


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Albany, Western Australia, Australia / December 16, 2019

Demonic Dave ate 16 habanero peppers in 90 seconds while standing on one foot.

WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept speed eating submissions from minors.

- must begin with an empty mouth
- must put peppers into mouth one at a time
- all peppers fit in mouth within time period are counted as long as they are ultimately eaten
- may not remove peppers once placed inside mouth
- may not crush or alter peppers before consuming
- drinking liquid during attempt is not permitted
- must stand on one foot for duration of attempt
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostfoodeatingspeed eatingpepperhabanero pepper

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