Attempt Denied!

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Fastest Guitar Player

The Internet

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Raleigh, North Carolina, United States / December 1, 2011

Daniel Himebauch played Flight of the Bumblebee on his guitar at 1,350 BPM.

- performance must be live
- no overdubbing allowed
- must strum strings in advance to demontrate you are playing through an amp or use acoustic guitar
- must begin attempt by playing song at original speed alongside a midi track that plays notes perfectly and match every note
- must repeat performance at a gradually increasing tempos to demonstrate full knowledge of song
- category creators must submit tablature for moderators to look at and to ensure challengers follow original performance
- analog clock must be present in frame for duration of attempt
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: fastestmusicplayingguitarmusicalchords

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  • United States Diana Mowery


  • The Internet Bishwajit choudhury


  • United States why not

  • United States why not

  • United States steven smith

    This is insane o.O this website is indeed awesome, I am seeing so much talent

  • The Internet subrat gogoi

    this is fucking fake video. Observe his body movements after bpm is increased.

  • The Internet Gary L.

    Green screen much?

  • The Internet Sergey

    is there some sort of fake-checking on this website, or they accept any video and say it's a record. Having clock and a moving person on the background in 2016 doesn't prove anything, unless there was an actual sort of judge standing in that room + a machine which slows this ridiculousness down and checks that there were actual notes from a composition played, not just sliding accross fretboard pretending it's a flight of a bumblebee.

  • The Internet Dylan Knisley

    Looks like Taylor Sterling gave up on breaking this record, lol.

  • The Internet Fernando Coutinho

    Good sir, this is fucking annoying.

  • The Internet fastestshredder

    I thought you shredded totally awesome on that 999 bpm thing. that was crisp man.

  • The Internet fastestshredder

    hey i like to play fast. cheers


  • The Internet mark taylor

    My god, why is recordsetter allowing comments like the ones from Sexton Hardcastle. He should be banned from this site. His comments to that woman he doesn't even know are disgusting and ridiculous. Please delete his comments and ban him from your site.

  • United States PeteM

    This is why I think this record needs to be renamed fastest rendition of Flight of the Bumblebees. Let's see some more speed playing of other songs guys!

  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    Yes, I agree with Ma-Ann. Why can we not just be glad Taylor had fun trying, be happy that John Taylor has the record, and do something else in life? Ok? And although I personally think that Taylor should have kept the record, those of you yelling at James Moody are WRONG. He stated he was not just mad 'cause someone beat John Taylor, he said clearly he just wanted an accurate player. He said he was FINE with someone.beating it as long as they were accurate. And, notice he did it without swearing.

  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    I agree with Leigh: the rules at the time said nothing as to perfection, and I think you COULD just keep changing the rules to bend who was the holder.

  • The Internet Rob Hutchison

    You Rock...Taylor it is awesome...........well done.

  • The Internet Kyle Maplesden

    fags, he made it...

  • The Internet rebecca green

    Wow obviously we have some very jelouse people here and also some people very fond of John Taylor!! I dont see why Taylor Sterlings record attempt should be denied because two people have disagreed! I know its definetly legit!! My partner who has played guitar for 19 years thinks Taylor Rocks!! And although he did say in the guitar world fast is not necessarily the best he has seen alot of other videos which prove Taylor is a very talented kid!! Rock on Taylor!!!!!!!!!

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Based on community feedback below and on Facebook, we have made the decision to deny Taylor's submission. Moving forwards, we will develop a firm set of rules that future competitors in this category must follow.

    Please note that the model we're building for RecordSetter RELIES on community input. This debate has been a great learning experience for us. Moving forwards, you'll see a lot more tools become available that will allow you to moderate categories in which you have expertise. Think Wikipdedia.

    JohnTaylor (and friends), we hear your frustrations loud and clear. Our team is small, but we're moving as quickly as possible to build a system that allows submissions to be denied before we incorrectly label them as world records. I truly hope you'll bear with us.

  • The Internet James Moody

    Hiroaki, upload a video of it!

  • The Internet Hiroaki Mori


  • The Internet James Moody

    Ok. at 999 BPM the hands would be nothing but a blur, especially the picking hand. He is not playing this accurately or this would be so.. if you compute what SHOULD be his notes per second at 999 BPM, you get 66.6 notes per second, being picked cleanly. Obviously he is not picking 66.6 notes persecond, or his hand would be so fast you couldn't even see it.

    Notes per Beat x BPM / 60 seconds = Notes Per Second

    4 x 999 / 60 = 66.6

  • The Internet Nicolas James

    Taylor, Mr. Sterling i have no issue saying that some one beat John's record, if they prove they beat it correctly, i do not have a problum with it at all, i just personaly know John Taylor and i want his record to be beaten with true respect.

  • The Internet Nicolas James

    james, sir i have heard your slowed down version of his so called record. and after it gave me a head ake i swore i heard that Taylor slid a few times, none of the endings he did were the same at all. and what infuriates me the most is that he wont even admit that he messed up. if he would admit that he messed up, and would agree to try again, and in the video pan out to the crowd, have a clock in the video, and have this Level 9 classical guitar whosa ma call it, then no one would deny his record. but i believe his biggest foult is not truely following the guidlines.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    Ma-Ann I have just sent them now if you need to contact me any further contact me via my hotmail account as i am not commenting on record setter anymore thank you and, regards Taylor Sterling

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Taylor. you can send them at ma-ann at recordsetter dot com. Also, would appreciate it if you could provide contact details of them, phone or e-mail. thanks taylor!

  • The Internet Franklin King

    how is 1,350 BPM denied and 1,100 pending?

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    MA-ANN Yeah sure i can, i can provide a witness statment that is registered with a Guitar Institute of London (one of the most prestiges) that is Level 9 in classical guitar. And also one who has had over 25 years of Guitar teaching expirience and is one of australias most well known teachers. Where would you like me to send them?

  • The Internet James Moody

    Anyone with ears can tell it's not accurate. You don't even need to see the witness statements, especially if the witness is "oh, so reliable" to think that this was a flawless attempt being performed in front of his/her very eyes. Needs to be revoked.

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Taylor. Do you have any written statements from one of your witnesses, most preferably a music expert, to back up your claim? Surely, we would love to hear other expert's opinion on this matter.

  • The Internet James Moody

    Record Setter needs to give this title back to John Taylor. Taylor Sterling record is a JOKE. It isn't accurate, the ending is played 3 different ways, even at the slowest speed, you can hear mistakes and off time passages. Record Setter, you are going to lose respect from the guitar community if you do not take the time to examine this issue. I am a professional guitarist, I know for a fact that this is not accurate, and anyone with ears can tell as well. This is starting to become one big joke of a record. If the kid actually did it for real, it would be different, but he didn't, it's horrible. Not record worthy. Seriously, what does it take to show the people who run this site that this video is crap after the 300BPM mark.. and I'm giving it ALOT of leeway.

  • The Internet James Moody

    Nicolas, you are exactly right. I've provided the slowed down sample, and you can hear that it is OBVIOUSLY NOT ACCURATE, so I don't know why record setter hasn't taken it down yet.

  • The Internet Nicolas James

    oh also sorry about my selling. i know its bad and iv excepted it. :P

  • The Internet Nicolas James

    Okay, Taylor, im not going to just critisize you. but i am going to just simply say this, I personaly know John Taylor, I have Seen him play at 600 BPM with my own eyes, i have even seen him play at 800. and you sir have no right calling him a cheat. but you sir the main reason no one believes you accualy broke this record is this, it sounds like you did not finish the song the say way twice. second Weres the clock? how do we honestly know that this was in real time? i and obviously see you are quite talented, but your letting your ego, and your eragance cloud your judgement. are you seriously going to be that person who calls the previous people who won the record cheats? are you really that person who cant honestly admit that you made a mistake? dude your human, except it, and grow a pair and try again. i know John Taylor Desirves that record because he's put in the time and effort to make it perfect, and i truely believe that the person to take the title from him should prove that they earned it, in his video at Guitar Center (which i was also their for) he even admited he made a mistake, and he redid it at that speed. I know your going to come back at me with some probly very eragent and snoody remark. but know this, it ends when you admit its not perfect.

  • Australia Kim Lawson

    Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.............Oi, Oi, Oi!!!

  • The Internet James Moody

    Well, I think we can all see that you are very afraid to lose your record, because you know it wasn't accurate. If you aren't willing to prove the claims you make, then you shouldn't be allowed to have the record in the first place, so just go run off and hide, like all other little kids do. Keep claiming that you have done something that you haven't, and good luck with GWR, you're gonna need it.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    And guinness will be provided with backing tracks and everything they need when they unfreeze the record So good by good sir.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    Im saying della vega could play at 750 its just the video makes him look like a cheat having motion blur applied to the file through after effects to make it look SUPER fast. And you have only provided a slowed down performance it proves nothing because there is nothing wrong with my record.

    End of story, I will not be postnig anymore on record setter because theres nothing wrong with my record Good by good sir!

  • The Internet James Moody

    Man, you really need to get your stories straight. You are making no sense now.. Are you trying to say Vega didn't cheat, he did cheat, John cheated?? What are you saying? Let's put it this way... I've been providing evidence against your record claim. How about YOU provide evidence to back up it's authenticity. Give us some proof.. as in, a slowed down video, or a link to your backing track, or something to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you actually played every note cleary, every line the same way each time, at each speed, because instead of proving your claim against my accusations, all you have done is bash other players. Think that makes you look very legit? It does not.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    My record is Tottaly Legit anyone who says otherwise is being nieve or a massive fan of the previous 2 record holders.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    I agree the video was made to look speed up because of it "adds" to how fast he is playing i believe della vega could play it at that speed.

    I dont here the guitar sound or the backing track to be speed up just the guitar being HEAVILY compressed making it sound SUPER fast like how it does in his orginal world record video in 2008.

    I never expressed that tiago della vega's video was fake

  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    Wait Taylor, what exactly are you saying here? You keep acting as if you are trying to hold your record, then you suddenly switch to telling everyone Tiago Della Vega was not a cheater. I think at this point we've all established his video was sped up and should be denied. Do you disagree with that? Why?

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    how did the cheater get a world record then? did you know guinness dont even get their own music expert in to analyze the videos?

    And yeah john taylor got the record in hong kong on new years eve by a music expert inlisted by the company sponsoring the event do you think they would say "oh no you got it wrong sorry guys go home"? of course they will say it to get into history and have a good time at the end of the night! AND WHERE IS THE VIDEO OF HIM DOING IT IN HONG KONG, Surely you would have someone film it yourself seems a bit odd to me.

    I am the real deal not those two!


  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    your calling della vega a cheater i beat he can play it at 750BPM its just it wasn't a good idea to upload that video with all the effects on it. now everyone thinks he is a cheater he just cant play melodicaly. he can play fast

    And if hes a cheater in your mind i think we all know who else has a guinness world record and isn't very good in his attempts



  • The Internet James Moody

    This argument is not about Vega, It is about you, and getting a record for something that you actually didn't do. GWR will not accept your attempt, I guarantee it. In fact I would bet money on it, So why does record setter? Verification is the word people. Authenticate, verify, listen, and compare.


  • The Internet James Moody

    The Vega 340 BPM was never a world record. It was a publicity stunt that Vega did for orange amps. The announcement of what Vega did after 340BPM, being a world record was a lie. GWE still slows down the song to inspect for accuracy, even when they watch you live, Like they did to John Taylor on new years, in Hong Kong for the 620BPM. The GWR book that is current has Vanny Tonon in it for the world record at 340 BPM for 2012. That is solid proof that Vega never had the record for 340BPM, so I don't see what bringing that cheater into this has to do with anything at all.

  • The Internet James Moody

    I don't know what you mean by clean.. you can hear every note he picks. You can't even TELL if you are alternate picking or not. What in the world does that fake idiot Della Vega have to do with our argument here? Vega is a proven fake. I am FINE with John Taylor losing his record. What I am NOT fine with is John Taylor losing his record to someone who "wanks" their way through the piece of music, not playing it correctly, not picking every note, sliding notes instead of fingering them all.

    Also, If I were you, I wouldn't assume the kind of guitarist I am without knowing what you are talking about. Kid, I can play circles around you, and break your ego so fast that you won't have time to pick it up.

    Anyone can see that you are reaching man. Your "record" is a joke.. Learn the song properly, pick every note, and stop being an arrogant donkey.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    Okay here is a test for you james watch this:

    With the link tell me if you think he played it correctly to break his record of 320BPM

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    Okay here is a test for you james watch this:

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    his video on wired magazine at 800BPM GET REAL I have seen it and THER IS NO WAY! you can even tell ANY notes he is playing because his amp is something a kid get with a starter pack. If his sound was clear like mine is you would be able to tell he isn't playing it accuratly at all. If you were any sort of guitarist you would see via his tone that he isn't accurate in what he does in music.



  • The Internet James Moody

    Dude, John did get past 380.. In fact, he has a video on the Wired magazine site, and plays at 800 BPM nearly flawlessly. John holds the record period. As far as I'm concerned, your 999BPM record is not even real.. John is the REAL holder, even if your name and video are up here.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    John taylor NEVER even got past 380BPM i can also get a slowed down version and show everyone as well. I dont wanna to do that to another hard working guitar player but i will if i have to! All the comments on john taylors say Guinness was easily fooled with his performance

  • The Internet James Moody

    Correction below... If Taylor can't do 600 as good as John, then how did he get a record for 999BPM.

  • The Internet James Moody

    Watch John Taylor's 600BPM. It's faster, Cleaner, He picks every note, and fingers every note precisely. If you watch Taylor Sterling's 600 BPM, he doesn't pick every note, he doesn't finger every note precisely, and it is most definitely not anywhere near as accurate as Johns. Watching the two back to back, and comparing them, will tell anyone that I am right. My question is, If Taylor can't even do 600BPM as good as John did, then how did he get a record for 900BPM? That makes no sense. And if you want to say, accuracy doesn't matter, it's just the speed that matters.... well, Taylor's 600 took 4 seconds longer than Johns, there you go.

  • The Internet James Moody

  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    Well Taylor, I think you should submit it to Guinness. I'm interested to see what they say.

  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    Taylor, I think you should submit it to Guinness. I'm interested to see what they say.

  • The Internet James Moody

    Dan. Unfortunately, I can't post the file on youtube, mainly because it's an audio file, and I don't know how.. The link I post here, should be a direct, and quick download usable in media player or similar. If you don't have these strict rules, or rules similar to ones I've stated below, it will be very easy for any guitar player to just BS their way through the song, missing notes, sliding their hand around to look fast, go off time.. Who wants a record for something they didn't actually do? I sure don't. If I were to get this record, you can bet I would not even submit a video unless it was absolutely flawless. I don't know how many of the community here are guitar players, or musicians.. but if you just have the SLIGHTEST musical ear, you can hear in my file, that this is NOT correct, and should not be a new record.

  • The Internet James Moody

    As far as rules.

    Song must be played in entirety. Played the same exact way at every speed. Song must be played without error, meaning not missed notes. No flat or sharp notes. If it is not accurate, one is NOT PLAYING IT RIGHT, and shouldn't be awarded ANY record. Record Setter should pride themselves in awarding this record to those who ACTUALLY play it properly. If not, then it's just one big joke.

  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    Well Taylor, I like your video! Kudos. :-)

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    Notice how all these people make an account ONLY to come after my video they dont comment on ANYTHING ELSE on the internet. I dont know but it seems set up to me

  • The Internet Antonio Davilas


  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    I think that a few blips are okay. I think that the title of "Fastest Guitar Player" maybe could be changed to something more appropriate to the situation, such as, "Fastest Rendition of 'Flight of the Bumblebee' on Guitar". It seems less... less... battle-worthy that way.

  • The Internet Antonio Davilas


  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    dan RULES

    Here the entire song from world record BPM Missing notes should not be permitted and meternome and timer dont need to be onscreen since john didn't need it to send to guinness.

    However i can send you my backing tracks to prove the speeds im playing also you will notice it only takes me 16 seconds to finish the entire piece of music at 999BPM

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    James I'd encourage you to upload your file (is it a video) in an easier to watch/listen to manner. YouTube, maybe?

    To everyone: what rules do you think should be created for this category? Should we insist on hearing the entire song? Are missed notes permitted? Should we insist up on both a timer and metronome onscreen?

    Let's keep the dialogue constructive and work toward creating a rule system that is acceptable by all.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling




  • The Internet James Moody

  • The Internet James Moody

    I'm not trolling man, I call it like I see it. You are an extremely fast player, but that doesn't mean anything if it's not accurate. I've provided the link to back up my claims. If people listen and still think you've successfully beaten the record, then so be it. But as they say in the X-Files " The Truth is out There".

    I'm not jealous at all. I have no reason to be jealous. Sure, I've seen the one at your old high school too..and again, it's very fast but not completely accurate. The accuracy is what matters, along with the speed. One of the rules of GWR you know, is the song must be played without error. Any mistake is an error, and the performance is full of mistakes.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    James Moody STOP TROLLING your just jelous because you were getting close to beating john taylors record yourself here is a second performance of me playing it anyway. in fact your probs just a friend of his or a MASSIVE fan so nothing will change your mind

  • The Internet James Moody Listen for yourselves.

  • The Internet James Moody

    Here you go everyone, fans, admins, moderators, and followers... here is a link to a half speed .wav file of this entire performance, in which it is easy to hear all of the inaccuracies in the piece of music.. Missed notes, off time passages, wrong notes. The higher the tempo, the worse it gets.. take a listen.

  • The Internet Tiago della


    enter link description here

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    Sure mate whatever!

  • The Internet James Moody

    Listen.. with an attitude like yours, you don't even deserve a record. Arrogance will get you nowhere. Anyone who slows down your performance can and will easily see and hear that after 300BPM you don't play without error. I'm sorry that there is no getting through to YOU. What I am saying is completely able to be proven, all it takes is for the moderators, and or community, whoever accepts or declines these attempts to listen to it slowed down at every speed, and they will see that it's not flawless, it's not completely accurate, and you change the ending up in the last three speeds. Even at 170BPM you went out of time a couple times... that's called an error, and that should have been it.. But for some reason record setter has decided to give you the record.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    I did play it Flawlessly i can see that there is no getting through to you I am the fastest and the most Accurate in the world Enough said.

  • The Internet James Moody

    Ok, I can see that you don't care.. if you did care, you wouldn't be happy with a sloppy performance.. I can see that you are happy with a sloppy performance. That is fine.. Just goes to show the level of maturity of which you are capable, and it doesn't seem very high.

    You are not the fastest in the world. To be the fastest in the world, you have to play accurately, or it doesn't matter. Anyone can move their hands very fast up and down the fretboard hitting "most" of the notes. Not everyone can play it flawlessly at that speed though. I am in no way saying that I can do this, I'm just saying that you didn't, at least not in the video.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    I dont care cause i know my performance is better than anyones of this piece! so it doesn't matter to me what you think Im the Fastest In the world and thats all there is to it even if i did stuff up a note or two (WHICH I DIDN'T!!!) it would still make me faster than anyone else anyway

    Good day to you sir!

  • The Internet James Moody

    Use MySpeed to slow the 300BPM down to half speed at 150BPM, at that speed, you will still hear messed up notes, and the audio quality is almost perfect.. since that was played imperfectly, the attempt should technically ended there. Putting hard work and effort into something great is just great, but getting a record for something that is not completely accurate is not great.. I wouldn't want the record unless I played it flawless, perfect, in time, pick every note, and the same way at every speed, and that did not happen in this performance.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    Now i KNOW john taylor didn't play it accuratly otherwise Guinness would not have frozen the world record to put it under analysis.

    And not to mention one of my witness's was registered with a level 9 classical guitar diploma from a College in London and he has verified it as well as another registered guitar teacher with 25 yrs up his sleeve at the biggest music teaching school in melbourne australia.

  • The Internet James Moody

    No problem, Nancy. I just want to make sure that people actually take the time to verify in every possible way that something is accurate before accepting it.. If you don't play every note in a piece of music properly, then you aren't playing the piece of music, therefore In my opinion the attempt should not be accepted. It should revert back to John Taylor. He played every note with accuracy, and played it the SAME way every time. This to me, is a joke.

  • Australia Taylor Sterling

    (Myspeed) can be used to slow down what im playing however the audio quality is still degraded beyond Audability however slowed down just enough you will hear all the notes played correctly.

    People just like to make others hard work about themselves and how much better they are when they aren't the ones putting themselves out there doing something.

  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    Thanks! :-P I have been looking for something like that for a long time... 😄

  • The Internet James Moody

    Nancy. The program is called MySpeed. It is a very simple program that allows you to slow down or speed up any video you watch as long as the program is running. It suffers very very minimal audio quality loss at slow speeds, but not enough to make it so you can't hear the notes clearly. I used this program while watching the video a few times, to check the faster tempos for flaws, by slowing it down. As stated below, I did find discrepancies in the performance from 300 BPM and up. The program is available online in a 7 day free trial version for anyone who would like to prove this to themselves. I have no doubt that Taylor is very fast, also, he is probably a good musician. The only thing I'm saying is, from inspection of the video with MySpeed, I personally don't believe the attempt should have been accepted.

  • The Internet Nancy Kate Phillippi

    James, what is the program? I don't feel obliged to take sides, but I do think I'm glad tiago's rendition was denied. I am not a pro video editor, but I do edit videos and love to do it. From prior experience, I know that his attempt was fake simply by watching his strumming. It was choppy, rough and jumpy. This is because minor, minor flaws in his hand movement (I.e. moving three mm to the left as he strummed) add up in high speed. This make his hand look like its kind of twitching. Watch valid attempts, they are much smoother.

  • The Internet James Moody

    OK, I'm just going to point a few things out for everyone to consider. First of all, there is no clock in the video.. All speed records need a clock to ensure accuracy. The metronome is there of course, but there is no visible way to verify how fast the metronome is actually going, just numbers on a board. As an advanced shred guitar player myself, I can attest to this fact here, the picking hand is picking 8th notes on the higher speeds, where it should be picking 16th notes to follow perfectly with the fingers.. a true test of speed should be measured by both hands, in sync together. I have a program that allows one to slow video down, without affecting the audio pitch or tone, upon doing this, I have seen that the song is played differently every time at higher speeds, along with notes being missed, or "bum" notes as I like to put it. The ending is played differently the last 4 speeds.. I am not saying it's not fast, it's just not fast AND accurate, speed doesn't matter, if it isn't correct. I'd like to know that if someone holds this record, they can play it perfectly, the same, and pick every note, every time, or else to me, and a lot of other guitar players, it's not impressive, and shouldn't be considered a real record. Just my two cents.

  • United States Simon Kirk


  • United States PeteM

    Very cool Taylor! Any other speed records you got up your sleeves?

  • Australia Taylor Sterling


  • Australia Taylor Sterling


    Second video where i play 999BPM at my high school shows alot of people walking so its proof its not speed up watch?v=ZLgVDQ_Ykc8

    FILMED AT THE BIGGEST MUSIC STORE IN MELBOURNE!!!! Would they let me hold an event where i faked the world record?? allansmusicbillyhyde.blogspot.¬¬html

    people aren't walking faster other wise they would be walking so fast they would leave a blur

    The clock in the background makes no diffrence because i have a person standing in the background of mine.

  • The Internet Tiago della

    Tiago Della Vega did a new record, the current video of him with records of 620 bpm and 750 bpm are false, is effect of video (acceleration).

    enter link description here

  • The Internet Tiago della

  • The Internet Tiago della


  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Yep, the timer is very clearly outside the screen. Voting fake.

  • The Internet Nicholas Filer Here is absolute proof that this record is fake. The clock goes outside of the screen for God's sake, there is no possible way this is real.

  • Malaysia Norzamri Lagenda

    recordsetter is more more better than guinness...!!!!

  • The Internet Andy Shick

    Doesn't even sound right. But also, clock isn't on same screen

  • The Internet Jacob Wannemacher

    has Guinness verified it yet?

  • United States PeteM

    Just my personal opinion but... I think this needs to be titled "Fastest Rendition of Flight of the Bumblebees on Guitar." This is RecordSetter, where even the most specific records can be set. Not Guinness.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Jane and John: Our model is built around community input in deciding what is and isn't a world record. I'd love to hear your specific thoughts on how Della Vega's attempt is "fake." This is an extremely challenging category to moderate. We want to do everything we can to ensure fairness moving forward. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Impressive performance, but doesn't yet follow the criteria in this category. Sam and Jon, I'd love dialogue on how best gather accurate documentation so we can see the bar of this category raised moving forward. It's like real-life Crossroads!

  • The Internet Sam Clark

    john taylor, Im trying to learn the song this hole week, and I do know how to follow a metronome. I just dont know why I keep making shitty videos. Im getting my record set at guitar center this week. Hope to break your record soon, I got up to 800bpm I know it sounds impossible but I did it. I had 8 people tell me that I did it even my guitar teacher. I dont think anyone will get close to 800bpm anytime soon. I could just do it at 650bpm for shits and giggles.

  • United States Record Setter

    Glad to see another shit attempt was denied. Seriously, learn the song and learn how to follow a metronome.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    John I think the intent of the recordsetter email is not that the record was broken, but rather "your record has been attempted and may have been broken". It's a way to get the original setter or current holder to check on the submission and give opinion and validation/moderation as you've just done. I'd love to see this record broken, but I'd say it's going to take a highly technical group of moderators/witnesses to verify a valid attempt.

  • United States Record Setter

    If you're going to try and beat my record at least learn the song you're supposed to play; don't just hit random notes. Also, 700 bpm is WAY WAY WAY faster than that. This denied attempt wasn't even being played half as fast as my 600 bpm. I don't know why even notified me that my record was broken when it was clearly not even touched.

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