Record Broken!

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Most Grapes Eaten In One Minute

The Internet

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Westerville, Ohio, United States / August 7, 2013

Andrew M. ate 46 grapes in one minute.

WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

- must eat either red or green seedless grapes
- must begin and end attempt with an empty mouth
- grapes must be placed on the plate or tray on a table for duration of attempt
- must use bare hand to pick up grapes
- must eat grapes one at a time
- may not consume liquids during the attempt
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostfoodeatingspeed eatingfruitgrape

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    As per the rule of this category, it clearly states that a record breaker "may use a spoon to pick up grapes" Our moderation team interpreted this as it is just an option to use a spoon, a record breaker may not use it. This is the reason we accepted Pavol's submission.

  • Slovakia Pavol Durdik

    Read the proper rules It is wrong can and must is a difference

  • United States Ian McGehee

    It says you may use a spoon

  • India Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya

    This record is totally invalid as record attempter used bare hand to pick up the grapes. In set rules, it is clearly mention to use a spoon (plastic) to pick up grapes. Without spoon I will easily eat 100+ grapes.

    • Slovakia Pavol Durdik

      Read the proper rules It is wrong can and must is a difference

    • Slovakia Pavol Durdik

      It says you may use a spoon

    • Slovakia Pavol Durdik

      Hello Dinesh Upadhyaya Shivanath are an record holder so expect that their date 100 grapes

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