Most Fruit Loops Eaten By A Hamster

United States


Reedsville, West Virginia, United States / August 20, 2015

Crystal's pet hamster ate 20 Fruit Loops cereals.

- Fruit Loops must be eaten one at a time
- hamster must eat cereal freely
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must submit video evidence


Tags: mostanimalscerealFruit Loopshamster

  • United States Corey Henderson

    Can anyone with some veterinarian experience weigh in on whether we should close this category or not? Remember the RecordSetter principles: Don't hurt yourself. Don't hurt others. Don't hurt the planet. (Animals included!)

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    What's the hamster's name?

  • United States Hank Holt

    come on... why do you feed that hamster food that it's not supposed to eat? do you not know how unhealthy that food is for it? why not set the record yourself instead of abusing small animals

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