Most Doritos Bags Stacked On Head At Once

United States

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Kissimmee, Florida, United States / November 14, 2016

Marie Coutard had someone stacked 16 Doritos bags on her head at once. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.


- no adhesives permitted
- participant must use 15.5-oz unopened bags in their original wrapping
- participant will need another person to individually stack them on participant's head
- participant must keep the stacked Doritos bags on his/her head for a minimum of 10 seconds (must show time in video)
- stacked Doritos bags must remain balanced in place on participant’s head for duration of the attempt
- participant must have control over the stack at all times
- balanced stack of Doritos may not touch other objects, ground, or body parts for support other than the top of participant’s head
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence from start to finish



Tags: moststackingheadstackDoritosbag

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