Attempt Denied!

See Current

Longest Crossbow Shot

1 like

Saint Clare, Michigan, United States / May 28, 2012

Tom Smith successfully made a crossbow shot at 200 yards in distance.

NOTE: This record is dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

- must use a crossbow
- must provide video evidence


Tags: longestshootingarcherycrossbow

  • The Internet Ricardo Miró

    Fantastic experience!!

  • The Internet Ricardo Miró

    Fantastic experience!!!

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Hi Tom. This attempt is denied because there is already an existing record outside RecordSetter that beats your current attempt. Please see here.

    • The Internet Dave Thomas

      hahaha these are not even close to being the same. 1. This is a crossbow 2. This is not about LONG DISTANCE this is about the longest distance on a accurate shot.
      3. You cannot compare an arrow to a BOLT, both different completely.
      4. We never claimed to have the furthest arrow shot.

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