Most Consecutive Four-Finger Push-Ups (Female)


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Cairo, Egypt / July 23, 2015

Mariam M. performed 28 consecutive four-finger push-ups.

- must observe RecordSetter push-up criteria
- exercises must be performed on a hard surface
- must use bare hands; no gloves permitted
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostsportsexercisefitnessfingerpushupfemale

  • United States Christoph Perry

    This video is incredibly inspiring. Alicia Weber's strength and determination are truly impressive, showcasing the dedication required for such a feat. Her level of fitness is a great motivation for anyone involved in sports. It demonstrates the power of consistent training and the amazing potential of the human body. For anyone looking to achieve similar strength, incorporating push-ups into your routine can go to kickboxing dubai ladies. Keep pushing your limits, and you might set your own records one day!

  • United States Christoph Perry

    This video is incredibly inspiring. Alicia Weber's strength and determination are truly impressive, showcasing the dedication required for such a feat. Her level of fitness is a great motivation for anyone involved in sports. It demonstrates the power of consistent training and the amazing potential of the human body. For anyone looking to achieve similar strength, incorporating push-ups into your routine can go to kickboxing dubai ladies. Keep pushing your limits, and you might set your own records one day!

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