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Fastest Time To Complete 200 Juggling Cascade Patterns Bounced On A Wall



Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada / June 25, 2012

Mitch Calder completed 200 cascade patterns in 52.37 seconds. Each ball juggled bounced off of the wall before returning to his hand.

- must use three balls
- balls must connect with wall on each pass
- must complete 200 throws/bounces in a row
- must provide video evidence


Tags: fastestjugglingbouncingwallcascade pattern

  • Canada Mitchie Dagger


  • United States Brian Pankey

    I demand a recount because this is the shorter version of the minute record & you say I went from 3.5 catches each second up to 54 second mark then making 8 catches a second in the last 6 seconds that's impossible you know you're counting catches in hand not just a bounce of the wall if so Mitch did not do 200 in 52 seconds like the record said!

    • Philippines MaAnn P.

      Hi Brian. Would you mind sending me the longer version of your video? That way, I can accurately time and stop your attempt at 200th. I would gladly do a recount as requested. Thanks!

  • United States Brian Pankey

    your counting is way off I did 256 in a minute the long version record but you're saying I only did 200 in 54 seconds I averaged a catch every 4.3 seconds in 50 seconds I would of had over 200 catches I want you to watch Mitch's again than compare it to mine cause mine was way faster than his

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Mitch you won't let me retire. Great job my juggling brother. I will submit a video. God Bless you!

  • United States Corey Henderson

    Are those Waboba balls?

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