Most Cats Balanced On Chin In A Laundry Basket Atop A 3-Foot Pole

United States


Springfield, Illinois, United States / October 28, 2011

Brian Pankey balanced four kittens in a laundry basket placed on a 3-foot pole on his chin for 10 seconds.

Note: If you attempt this record, use extreme caution and have at least one cat spotter present to assist.

- must treat cats with utmost care and protection
- must kneel for duration of attempt
- must balance basket on top of a 3-foot pole 
- must use a store-bought laundry basket
- basket must remain balanced on chin for at least 10 seconds
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostbalancingchinkneelingpolecatlaundry basket

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