Record Broken!

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Longest Time Balancing A Dictionary On Head


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Cantello, Italy / November 4, 2017

Carlo M. balanced a dictionary on his head for 10 minutes, 14.00 seconds.

- must observe RecordSetter balancing criteria
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardlongestbalancingbalanceheadbookdictionary

  • United States lianass Hoters

  • England Neil Cartwright

    Well done, Jordan. But I'm now doing a gruelling, daily training regime to smash your record. Game on! :)

  • United States Andrea Carey

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  • United States Andrea Carey

    Wow, you have good balancing skills, but what about your writing skills? If you want to improve it you can read some articles about causal essay or another kind of works and it will help you!

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