Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:5 India

Largest Foil Stamp Collection

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar collected seven stamps made of foil.

00:57 United States

Longest Time To Spin A Basketball On Top Of An American Flag Held In One Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey spun a basketball on top of an American flag held in his hand for 32.69 seconds.

03:36 Luxembourg

Most Origami Stars Fit Inside A Large Origami Star

Harley Quinn

Tessie Mss fit 1,000 origami stars inside a large origami star.

00:32 United States

Longest Time To Spin A Basketball On Top Of An American Flag Held In Mouth

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey spun a basketball on top of American flag held in his mouth for 13.41 seconds.

01:30 The Internet

Longest Time Riding A Seven-Wheeled Unicycle

Jonathan Rinny

Jonathan Rinny rode a seven-wheeled unicycle for 19.84 seconds. The unicycle stands 13 feet, 3 inches tall and has seven vertically stacked wheels.

01:56 The Internet

Most Balls Caught And Held By A Woman

Mike Pink

Mike Pink's friend caught 22 balls and used her entire body to hold them up.

01:24 The Internet

Most Mailbox Flags Flipped Up In One Minute

Zach Johnson

Zach's friend flipped up 37 mailbox flags in one minute.

02:11 Canada

Longest Time Balancing American Flag On Chin While Listening To "The Star-Spangled Banner"

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a pole that held a 3 x 5.5 foot American Flag on his chin for one minute, 37.34 seconds while listening to Whitney Houston's version of The Star-Spangled Banner.

03:53 United States

Most Candlesticks Stuffed In A Sweatsuit Worn By Two People

Angela and Zach Cook

Angela and Zach Cook stuffed 65 candlesticks inside their sweatsuit while wearing it.

07:23 Canada

Longest "William Tell" Shot Using A 22-Caliber Rifle

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman shot an "apple" off "William Tell's head" from 50 yards away using a 22-caliber rifle. NOTE: Shooting is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

00:18 The Internet

Most Consecutive Back Flips On Roller Skates

Tony Zane

Tony Zane completed five consecutive backflips on roller skates. The record was set during evian's Live Young, Skate On! event in Miami Florida. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals. #evianwater

02:22 United States

Longest Tongue

Nick Stoeberl

Nick Stoeberl's tongue measures four inches (10.13 centimeters) in length.

03:59 United States

Most American Quarters Fit Inside A Belly Button

Randon Beasley

Randon Beasley fit 30 U.S. quarters inside his belly button. tag:RecordSetterBook01

09:56 Australia

Most Back Handsprings With Sword Swallowed

Aerial Manx

Aerial Manx completed one backflip while swallowing a sword. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

02:54 United States

Farthest Roll Of A Small Orange Down A Hill

Noah Riffe

Noah Riffe rolled a small orange down hill in 214 feet distance.

00:22 United States

Most People Sitting On Santa's Lap At Once

Art Hoffman

Five people sat on Art Hoffman’s lap while he was dressed as Santa.

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