Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

01:45 The Internet

Longest Time Playing Acoustic Guitar While Holding A Basketball In Each Arm And Sitting On A Bike Rack

Taylor Cross

Taylor Cross played an acoustic guitar for one minute, 12.31 seconds while holding basketballs under each arm and sitting on a bike rack.

01:01 United States

Most Successful Top-Of-Head Rolls While Walking Down Four Flights Of Stairs In Under One Minute

Tony Duncan

Tony Duncan completed 24 successful top-of-head rolls in under one minute while walking down four flights of stairs.

00:14 United States

Fastest Time To Toss A Hat And Catch It On Top Of An Open Umbrella Balanced On Chin

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey tossed a hat and caught it on top of an open umbrella balanced on his chin in 1.25 seconds.

01:40 The Internet

Most Times Punching An Old 7-Up Bottle

Tanner Little

Tanner Little punched an old 7-Up bottle 106 times in a row.

00:7 United States

Fastest Time To Toss A Water Balloon From Behind The Back And Have It Burst On The Tip Of An Open Umbrella Held Over Head

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey tossed a water balloon from behind his back and burst it on the tip of an open umbrella held over his head in one minute, 20 seconds.

00:30 United States

Most Consecutive Times To Toss A Hat From Behind The Back And Catch It On The Tip Of An Open Umbrella Held In Other Hand In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey tossed a hat from behind his back and caught it on the top of an open umbrella held in his other hand nine times in 30 seconds.

04:58 The Internet

Longest Time To Lie In Prone Position On A Park Bench While Balancing A Basketball Between Feet And On Head And Playing Acoustic Guitar

Taylor Cross

Taylor Cross laid in a prone position on a park bench for four minutes, 30.56 seconds while balancing basketballs between his feet and on his head and playing an acoustic guitar.

00:25 The Internet

Most Summer Camp Attendees Doing A Fist Pump Simultaneously

Adam Wanderman

Led by Adam Wanderman, a total of 243 people at a summer camp did a fist pump at once.

03:50 Canada

Longest Time To Float A Continuous Spark Inside A Helium Balloon (3D)

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie floated a continuous spark inside a helium balloon and filmed it in 3D for one minute, 22.41 seconds.


Longest Time To Balance A Bluenose Replica On Chin While Sitting

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a Bluenose replica on his chin for one minute, 27.06 seconds while sitting.

01:34 Canada

Longest Time To Power A Fluorescent Light By Self-Electrocution With A 25 KV TV FlyBack While Filming In 3D

Darryl Learie

Using a TV FlyBack (Accelerating Anode) from a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube TV), Darryl Learie electrocuted himself with 28.95 KV to light up a 15-watt fluorescent light for 21.7 seconds. WARNING: This record is extremely dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals with medical assistance nearby.

44:02 Canada

Longest Time To Float The Classic URDB Badge

Darryl Learie

Using 12 helium-filled balloons, Darryl Learie floated the classic URDB (now RecordSetter) badge over West Edmonton, Canada for 42 minutes, 45.00 seconds. The video is both in color Anaglyph 3D (requires 3D Red/Cyan glasses) and Stereogram 3D (look at both images and slowly cross your eyes until a 3rd 3D image appears in between).

01:09 The Internet

Largest Group Of People Dressed As Cartoon Characters In A Parade

Kade Hill

Kade Hill led 89 students from the Maine Arts Camp in a parade while dressed as cartoon characters.

02:28 United States

Fastest Time To Climb Up A Ladder Without Support

Theskinnyman Chris

Theskinnyman Chris climbed up a ladder without support in 2.27 seconds.

01:32 England

Longest Olympic-Themed Breeze Block Domino Chain

Responsible Fishing UK

In partnership with Newham Barnsley, the Wayne Sables Project made a domino chain using 500 breeze blocks and successfully made the entire chain topple. The Newham Barnsley Partnership is a unique approach to delivering a legacy from the games across the UK and using the excitement and passion of the Olympics to inspire and connect.

00:5 United States

Fastest Time To Remove T-Shirt And Put On Sunglasses

Sanjay Gupta

Reggy Newnew removed his shirt and put on his sunglasses in 2.40 seconds.

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