Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:41 United States

Most Wiffle Balls Juggled Unsuccessfully

TV Camp

A member of TV Camp unsuccessfully juggled 17 wiffle balls.

00:07 India

Fastest "Helix 180" Card Cut

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a "Helix 180" card cut in 2.17 seconds.

00:13 India

Fastest Charlier Card Cut While Spinning A Toothbrush On A Pen

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a Charlier card cut in 0.47 second while spinning a toothbrush on a pen.

03:53 England

Most People Wearing Fake Mustaches In A Conga Line Led By A Batala Band

Jay Walton

107 people, including friends Of Ryelands Park, Lancashire County Council, The Dukes Theaters and community members from the Lancaster District of Ryelands, Skerton and Vale, wore fake mustaches in a conga line led by a Batala Band. They set the record during the "This Side of The River" celebration, a project which aimed to bring arts engagement to some of the City of Lancaster's most deprived areas.

00:08 United States

Highest Radio Tower Pull-Up

Tristan McGrady

Tristan M. performed a pull-up on a 400-foot tall radio tower. WARNING: This record is extremely dangerous. Do not attempt record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. Submissions without a safety harness will NOT be accepted. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:00 United States

Most High Fives Given By A Youth Group In One Minute At Six Flags Amusement Park

Nick Coleman

Nick C. led a youth group in giving 1,898 high fives in one minute. They set the record during their trip to a Six Flags amusement park.

02:20 United States

Heaviest Weight Lifted With Foot While Performing A Pistol Squat

Tai Star

Tai Star lifted a 12-kilogram weight with his foot while performing a pistol squat.

01:25 Canada

Fastest Time To Name All The Songs On The "Much Dance 2012" Album

Kevin Zuccherato

Kevin Z. named all the songs included on the Much Dance 2012 album in 12.06 seconds.

00:10 India

Fastest "Saber's Rollback" Card Cut While Spinning A Toothbrush On A Pen

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a "Saber's Rollback" card cut in 2.30 seconds while spinning a toothbrush on a pen.

02:09 United States

Longest Time Hopping On One Leg While Holding A Jell-O Cup

Tina Jones

Tina J. led a kid in hopping on one leg for two minutes, 1.14 seconds while holding a Jell-O cup.

00:22 United States

Fastest Time To Stack Five Styrofoam Cups By Flipping

Vito O.

Viktor O. stacked five styrofoam cups in 4.21 seconds by flipping.

02:21 Italy

Heaviest Weight Lifted While Walking 4.5 Meters Barefoot Through Broken Glass

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter lifted a 150-kilogram barbell while walking 4.5 meters barefoot through broken glass. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:22 The Internet

Longest Assisted Front Flip

Jade Taggart

Jade's friend completed a front flip 203 inches (16 feet, 11 inches) in length.

00:12 United States

Most Tennis Ball Bounces On The Spine Of A Beach Bat

Tony Duncan

Tony D. bounced a tennis ball 10 times on the spine of a beach bat.

01:31 India

Longest Time Holding "Side Balance" Pose

Yash Gupta

Yash G. held a "side balance" pose for one minute, 3.86 seconds.

00:08 United States

Most People Hugging A Cardboard Cutout Of The "Eleventh Doctor" From Doctor Who

Tina Jones

Tina Jones led six people in hugging a cardboard cutout of the 11th Doctor.

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