Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:31 Australia

Fastest Time To Count To 126 By Sevens

Steven Haney

Steven H. counted to 126 by increments of seven in 5.69 seconds.

04:39 Scotland

Longest Time Balancing A 300-Pound Barbell Using Both Feet

William Cannon

William Cannon balanced a 300-pound barbell for 18.34 seconds using both of his feet.

02:11 India

Longest Time Balancing A Kitchen Knife On Thumb While Standing On Heels

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a kitchen knife on his thumb for one minute, 34.25 seconds while balancing on his heels. WARNING: This record can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:13 Ireland

Fastest Four Ace Production Card Trick

Daniel Cremin

Daniel C. performed a four ace production card trick in 8.06 seconds.

05:09 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Arm Curling A 60-Pound Z-Bell

William Cannon

William C. performed a wall sit for three minutes, 5.69 seconds while arm curling a 60-pound z-bell.

00:44 The Internet

Farthest Distance To Hit A Peanut With A Golf Club

Diana Povis Moore

Diana P. hit a peanut 18 feet using a golf club.

13:10 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Holding Elbows At Chest Level

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for 12 minutes, 36.86 seconds while holding his elbows at chest level.

03:39 United States

Most Golf Balls Fit Inside A Shirt While Wearing It


Christopher C. fit 146 golf balls inside his shirt.

00:56 India

Longest Time Dribbling A Basketball And A Tennis Ball Simultaneously While Kneeling On An Exercise Ball

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur dribbled a basketball and a tennis ball simultaneously for 30.13 seconds while kneeling on an exercise ball.

06:20 United States

Tallest Paper Cup Tower Knocked Down With A Pepper

Ev@n op

Ev@n Op knocked down a 173-paper cup tower using a pepper.


Tallest £1 Coin Tower


RPV stacked 73 £1 coins in a single tower.

00:46 Slovakia

Most One-Handed Lemon Tosses In 30 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik tossed a lemon on his hand 148 times in 30 seconds.

02:16 India

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle While Holding A Lotus Pose On An Exercise Ball

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 295 times while holding a lotus pose on an exercise ball.

15:20 Scotland

Longest Wall Sit While Holding Arms Above Head

William Cannon

William Cannon performed a wall sit for 14 minutes, 30.73 seconds while holding his arms above his head.

02:28 The Internet

Most Nickels In A Hat

Alaina Geraci

Alaina G. put 400 nickels into a hat.

04:29 Scotland

Longest Time Balancing A 235-Pound Barbell Using Both Feet

William Cannon

William Cannon balanced a 235-pound barbell for 34.16 seconds using both of his feet.

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