Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

19:54 England

Longest Time To Keep Up A Soccer Ball With Knees

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly kept up a soccer ball using his knees for 19 minutes, 45.00 seconds.

01:18 Australia

Longest Time Spinning A Basketball On A Pen Held In Shoe While Balancing A 16-Inch Tent Peg On Forehead


Brendan Kelbie spun a basketball on a pen held in his shoe for 21.16 seconds while balancing a 16-inch tent peg on his forehead.

03:57 United States

Most People Dancing To "Can't Stop The Feeling" While Wearing Glow Stick Necklaces


395 people danced to "Can't Stop the Feeling" while wearing glow stick necklaces. They set the record during Summer Sizzle, a summer kick-off event in Mesquite, Texas.

00:46 India

Fastest Time To Pick Up 10 Dice And Place Them In A Plastic Cup Using Foot

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur picked up 10 dice and placed them in a plastic cup using his right foot in 12.35 seconds.

00:34 Czech Republic

Fastest Time To Throw Six Butter Knives To A Wooden Target

Adam Čeladín

Adam Čeladín threw six butter knives to a wooden target in 1.12 seconds. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:04 Philippines

Fastest Time To Topple An Empty Plastic Bottle By Farting

Gerard Jessie

Gerard Jessie toppled an empty plastic bottle by farting in 0.53 second.

04:10 South Africa

Longest Foam Airplane Flown

Charles Stevens

Charles Stevens and his friends constructed and flew a foam airplane four meters in length.

00:07 The Internet

Most Consecutive Under The Leg Fidget Spinner Catches

Kyler McCoy

Kyler M. caught a spinning fidget spinner under his leg four times.

09:02 United States

Most Light Bulbs Eaten In Five Minutes

Joseph Pendergast

Joseph Pendergast ate 19 light bulbs in five minutes. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:04 Philippines

Most Balloons Popped By Shooting A Dart From A Tube Propelled By Farting

Gerard Jessie

Gerard Jessie popped one balloon by releasing a dart from a tube using a fart.

02:57 United States

Longest Time Spinning A Fidget Spinner On A Cast

Jaclyn Gibney

Jaclyn G. spun a fidget spinner on a cast for two minutes, 56.00 seconds.

04:01 Pakistan

Longest Time Spinning A Fidget Spinner While Holding A Cat

Ayan Faisal

Ayan F. spun a fidget spinner for three minutes, 56.56 seconds while holding a cat.

00:55 Australia

Longest Time Spinning A Basketball On A Pen Held In Shoe While Balancing A Wooden Chair On Chin


Brendan Kelbie spun a basketball on a pen held in his shoe for 15.68 seconds while balancing a wooden chair on his chin.

01:42 United States

Most Spins While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On One Side Of A Table Tennis Table

Matthew Sundin

Matthew S. spun five times while bouncing a table tennis ball on one side of a table tennis table.

09:28 India

Longest Time Balancing A 500-ml Water Bottle On A Tennis Racquet Handle On Chin

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a 500-ml water bottle on a tennis racquet handle on his chin for seven minutes, 17.21 seconds.

04:43 Sweden

Longest Time Spinning A Fidget Spinner On Knuckle

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund spun a fidget spinner on his knuckle for four minutes, 10.15 seconds.

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