Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:50 United States

Most Consecutive Hand Loops With A Die

Tai Star

Tai Star performed eight consecutive hand loops with a die.

02:36 United States

Tallest Card Tower Stacked On Foot

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked a card tower eight stories high on his foot.

02:48 United States

Longest Time Playing Didgeridoo While Standing On A Slackline

Tai Star

Tai Star played a didgeridoo for two minutes, 21.50 seconds while standing on a slackline.

00:10 India

Fastest "Saber's Revolution Two" And "Chen Ka" Card Cut Combination

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a Saber's Revolution Two and Chen Ka card cut combination in 3.23 seconds.

00:19 India

Fastest "Charlier" Card Cut Using A Double Deck Of Cards

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a Charlier card cut in 0.72 second using a double deck of cards.

06:48 Canada

Largest Personal Records Book

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie compiled a book of 638 personal records with 170 pages in length. He created the book on September 10, 1993 and has been updating and adding records to the list ever since. His records were categorized as athletic, academic, spiritual, and circumstantial. See his RecordSetter world records here.

00:50 The Internet

Most Names Given To A Big Toe In 30 Seconds


Mitchell gave his big toe 63 different names in 30 seconds.

02:44 India

Tallest Soda Can Tower Balanced On Right Pinky Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced 11 soda cans on his right pinky finger.

08:06 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Unicycle Vertically On Forehead

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey balanced a unicycle vertically on his forehead for seven minutes, 56.06 seconds.

02:24 India

Tallest Soda Can Tower Balanced On Left Pinky Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced 11 soda cans on his left pinky finger.

20:41 India

Longest Time Balancing Two Cans On Thumb

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced two soda cans on his thumb for 20 minutes, 17.18 seconds.

01:05 United States

Most Frisbee Toss Clap Catches While Standing On A Slackline

Tai Star

Tai Star performed 47 Frisbee toss clap catches while standing on a slackline.

01:54 India

Tallest Soda Can Tower Balanced On Right Middle Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced 11 soda cans on his right middle finger.

02:28 Australia

Most Hoop Jumps In Two Minutes While Riding An Inflatable Toy Donkey And Dressed In A Flared Three-Piece Suit

Berg 121

Berg completed seven hoop jumps in two minutes while riding an inflatable toy donkey and dressed in a flared three-piece suit.

02:32 Italy

Fastest Time To Set Up A Domino Chain

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter set up a domino chain in 16.68 seconds.

02:15 The Internet

Fastest Four-Person Balloon Pop Relay


JMan0160 and three of his friends consecutively blew up balloons and popped them. In proper relay style, the first person needed to blow up and pop their balloon before the second person began. It took two minutes, 6.44 seconds to complete the attempt.

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