video game World Records

  1. #561

    Fastest Time To Complete Rainbow Road Course In "Mario Kart: Super Circuit" (Game Boy Advance)

    Ethan M. drove three laps on Rainbow Road in 34.91 seconds in Mario Kart: Super Circuit.

    Jul 01 EthanMcCormac The Internet
  2. #562

    Most Enchanted Potion Bottles Broken In One Minute In "Minecraft"

    David C. broke 42 enchanted potion bottles in one minute in Minecraft.

    Jul 02 ConnorCavanaugh 10 comments United States
  3. #563

    Largest Hand-Placed Nether Quartz Pyramid In "Minecraft" (PC)

    Jerron B. created a hand-placed Nether quartz pyramid in Minecraft using 23,545 blocks.

    Jul 03 JerrinBailey1 1 comment Australia
  4. #564

    Highest Score In "Temple Run 2"

    Rohnit S. earned 116,701,260 points in Temple Run 2.

    Jul 05 RohnitSingh 263 comments India
  5. #565

    Most Zombies Fit In A 1x1 Hole In "Minecraft"

    Jarod fit 500 zombies in a 1x1 hole in Minecraft.

    Jul 05 Jarod 14 comments The Internet
  6. #566

    Most Consecutive Two-Block Gap Jumps In "Minecraft" (PC)

    Jack W. completed 121 two-block gap jumps on Minecraft.

    Jul 10 JackWolff 32 comments The Internet
  7. #567

    Fastest Time To Earn 999,999 Points In "Battletoads" (NES)

    James S. earned 999,999 points in 45 minutes, 26.00 seconds in Battletoads.

    Jul 10 NightmareJames United States
  8. #568

    Highest Score Earned By A One-Year-Old In A Game Of "Dumb Ways To Die"

    Jordan's cousin earned 588 points in Dumb Ways To Die. She is only one year old.

    Jul 12 JordanLambiris Australia
  9. #569

    Fastest Time To Max Out "Super Mario All-Stars - Super Mario Bros. 1"

    James S. maxed out Super Mario All-Stars - Super Mario Bros 1 in one hour, 38 minutes, 28.00 seconds.

    Jul 15 NightmareJames 1 comment United States
  10. #570

    Most Rounds Survived In A Two-Player Game Of "Call of Duty: BO2 - Zombies"

    Mason and his friend survived 16 rounds of two-player game of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Zombies.

    Jul 15 MasonLyons 26 comments England
  11. #571

    Highest Score On "Sandstorm" Track Of "Dance Central 2" (XBox 360)

    Tatiana S. earned 2,392,388 points in a game of Dance Central 2 on the track Sandstorm.

    Jul 15 TatKury 12 comments Australia
  12. #572

    Highest Score In "Smash TV" (Arcade)

    BitterPoetMadman earned 2,831,330 points in Smash TV.

    Jul 17 BitterPoetMadman 5 comments The Internet
  13. #573

    Most Kills Made With An MP7 In "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3"

    Mason L. made 16,055 kills with an MP7 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

    Jul 17 MasonLyons 1 comment England
  14. #574

    Fastest Time To Finish Death Egg Zone In "Sonic The Hedgehog 2"

    Jerry G. finished Death Egg Zone in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 in one minute, 3.53 seconds.

    Jul 18 JerryGarcia 61 comments The Internet
  15. #575

    Highest Score In "Smash TV" (Arcade)

    BitterPoetMadman earned 3,068,560 points in Smash TV.

    Jul 19 BitterPoetMadman 5 comments The Internet
  16. #576

    Fastest Co-Op Speedrun Of First Three Levels And Bonus Stage Of "Mario Bros."

    Steve and his friend completed a co-op speed run of the first three levels and bonus stage of Mario Bros. in one minute, 7.00... (more)

    Jul 19 SteveKam 2 comments United States
  17. #577

    Highest Score In "Assault" (Arcade)

    Mitch R. earned 556,200 points in Assault.

    Jul 22 MitchRoss 1 comment The Internet
  18. #578

    Most Hours Logged On "Pokemon White Version 2" (DS)

    Tommy A. put 460 hours and six minutes into Pokemon White Version 2.

    Jul 23 TommyAtkinson 5 comments The Internet
  19. #579

    Fastest Time To Complete Episode 1 Splash Hill Zone Act 1 In "Sonic The Hedgehog 4"

    Jerry G. completed Episode 1 Splash Hill Zone Act 1 of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 in one minute, 0.89 second.

    Jul 23 JerryGarcia 1 comment The Internet
  20. #580

    Most Lifetime Damage Taken In "Minecraft"

    Vitaliy G. took 10,521 damage points in Minecraft.

    Jul 24 VitaliyGarasymovych1 6 comments The Internet
video game records
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