video game World Records

  1. #581

    Highest Score In Combat Training For Three Minutes On Recruit Difficulty In "Call of Duty: Black Ops"

    ProdigyAuT scored 11,200 points in combat training for three minutes on recruit difficulty in Call of Duty: Black Ops.

    Aug 15 ProdigyAuT 3 comments Austria
  2. #582

    Most Mapped Arcade Counters Rolled Over To 9,999,999 Points

    Lonnie McDonald scored 9,999,999 points on 68 arcade counters and mapped the locations. See all of the locations here.

    Aug 15 LonnieMcDonald United States
  3. #583

    Tallest Batman Logo Built In "Minecraft"

    Seth Aiken built a Batman logo 76 blocks high in Minecraft.

    Aug 17 SethAiken 2 comments United States
  4. #584

    Most Levels Survived In "Obey"

    Joe Thebigman survived 146 levels in Obey. The game was set in normal mode.

    Aug 20 JoeThebigman 10 comments The Internet
  5. #585

    Highest Score On "Furu Furu Park: Swan Shooter"

    Shawne Vinson earned 2,444,800 points in Furu Furu Park: Swan Shooter.

    Aug 20 ShawneVinson 2 comments United States
  6. #586

    Most Minecraft Ponies Created In Two Minutes

    Chad Johnson created eight ponies in Minecraft in two minutes.

    Aug 23 OMGchad 9 comments United States
  7. #587

    Highest Score In Hoard Mode In "Gears of War 3" With Pistols Only

    ProdigyAuT yt earned 24,014 points in hoard mode of Gears of War 3 with pistols only.

    Aug 23 ProdigyAuT Austria
  8. #588

    Highest Score In "Swan Shooter: Night Strike" (Wii)

    Shawne Vinson earned 3,478,700 points in Swan Shooter: Night Strike.

    Aug 23 ShawneVinson United States
  9. #589

    Longest Time For Two People To Smile While Battling Each Other In A Video Game

    Micah Cowley and his friend smiled for 17 minutes, 19.00 seconds while battling each other in a video game.

    Aug 23 MicahCowley 4 comments The Internet
  10. #590

    Fastest Minimalist Completion Of "Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo" (MAME)

    Bobby Wilson performed a minimalist completion of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo in eight minutes, 11.00 seconds.

    Aug 24 BobbyWilson United States
  11. #591

    Highest Score In Glacier Coast In "Wave Race 64" (Nintendo 64)

    Kingofcle7 earned 66,948 points in Glacier Coast in Wave Race 64. The game was set in Stunt Mode.

    Aug 28 kingofcle7 The Internet
  12. #592

    Most Minecraft Ponies Created In Two Minutes

    Taavo-Taur Tammur created 17 ponies in Minecraft in two minutes. He set the record during Episode 2 of OMGCraft.

    Aug 28 t2t2 9 comments Estonia
  13. #593

    Fastest Time To Complete "Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo" (MAME)

    Bobby Wilson completed a game of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo in nine minutes, 22.00 seconds.

    Aug 28 BobbyWilson United States
  14. #594

    Fastest Lap On "Excitebike" (NES)

    A gamer at Joysticks Gaming completed a lap on Excitebike in 30.81 seconds. The record was streamed live as part of the... (more)

    Aug 29 JoysticksGaming 9 comments The Internet
  15. #595

    Fastest Time To Knock Out Gabby Jay In "Super Punch-Out!!" (SNES)

    A gamer at Joysticks Gaming knocked out Gabby Jay of Super Punch-Out!! in 24.52 seconds. The record was streamed live as part of... (more)

    Aug 30 JoysticksGaming 5 comments The Internet
  16. #596

    Most Combined Sniper Kills In A 2v2 Match In "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" (PS3)

    Gamers at Joysticks Gaming played a 2v2 match of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and scored 62 combined sniper kills in total. The... (more)

    Aug 30 JoysticksGaming The Internet
  17. #597

    Most Combined Kills In A 2v2 Match In "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" (PS3)

    Gamers at Joysticks Gaming played a 2v2 match of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and scored 73 combined kills in total. The record... (more)

    Aug 30 JoysticksGaming The Internet
  18. #598

    Most Arcade Machine Counters Rolled To 9,999,999

    Lonnie McDonald rolled 68 arcade machine counters to 9,999,999 points.

    Aug 31 LonnieMcDonald 1 comment United States
  19. #599

    Highest Score In "Castlevania: Rondo of Blood"

    Dave Vogt scored 159,210 points in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood.

    Aug 31 DaveVogt United States
  20. #600

    Fastest Time To Complete A 100-Meter Sprint In "International Track & Field" (PlayStation)

    Matt George completed a 100-meter sprint in International Track & Field in 9.46 seconds.

    Aug 31 MattGeorge 2 comments England
video game records
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