video game World Records

  1. #581

    Most Chickens Spawned With 80 Eggs In "Minecraft"

    S0uL Sama spawned 25 chickens with 80 eggs in Minecraft.

    Dec 13 S0uLSama 4 comments France
  2. #582

    Most Diamond Blocks Found In A Single Bunch In "Minecraft"

    Gugbill found six diamond blocks in one bunch while playing Minecraft.

    Dec 14 Gugbill 20 comments United States
  3. #583

    Most Used Spawn Eggs In "Minecraft"

    S0uL Sama has 1,913,671 used spawn eggs in Minecraft.

    Dec 14 S0uLSama France
  4. #584

    Fastest Time To Finish "Salt City MX" Race In "Downhill Domination" (PlayStation 2)

    Jagdev Bharti Gamer finished the Salt City MX race in Downhill Domination in one minute, 9.02 seconds.

    Dec 14 game India
  5. #585

    Most Blocks Of Wet Sponge Dropped In Peonies In "Minecraft"

    S0uL Sama dropped 65,664 blocks of wet sponge in a field of peonies in Minecraft.

    Dec 15 S0uLSama 1 comment France
  6. #586

    Most Hours Logged On "Pokemon Moon Version" (3DS)

    John S. logged 217 hours and 38 minutes on Pokemon Moon Version.

    Dec 19 JohnnyCake87 3 comments Canada
  7. #587

    Highest Cobweb Drop In "Minecraft"

    Robert W. dropped a cobweb from 271 blocks high in Minecraft.

    Dec 19 RobertWellmon 7 comments United States
  8. #588

    Fastest Time To Finish "Mt. Middule MX" Race In "Downhill Domination" (PlayStation 2)

    Jagdev Bharti Gamer finished the Mt. Middule MX race in Downhill Domination in 42.39 seconds.

    Dec 20 game India
  9. #589

    Largest Flat-Spin Record In "Burnout Paradise"

    Matthew I. performed a 759-degree flat spin in Burnout Paradise.

    Dec 22 MatthewIzuigo The Internet
  10. #590

    Most KOs In "Super Smash Bros.: Endless Smash" (Wii U)

    Zimer made 4,364 KOs in Super Smash Bros.: Endless Smash.

    Dec 26 Zimer 1 comment Mexico
  11. #591

    Highest Score On "Hoop Fever" Arcade Game

    Nicholas C. earned 97 points on Hoop Fever arcade game.

    Dec 28 NicholasCobb 1 comment The Internet
  12. #592

    Fastest Completion Of "Cat Mario: Level 1" (Online)

    Kadaver Wereld completed level 1 of Cat Mario in 17.03 seconds.

    Dec 28 kadaverwereld 1 comment Netherlands
  13. #593

    Fastest Time To Finish "Red Pass, Utah MX" Race In "Downhill Domination" (PlayStation 2)

    Jagdev Bharti Gamer finished the Red Pass, Utah MX race in Downhill Domination in 45.42 seconds.

    Dec 29 game India
  14. #594

    Most Blocks Broken In 25 Seconds In "Minecraft"

    Cjbpps broke 333 blocks in 25 seconds in Minecraft.

    Jan 02 Cjbpps 9 comments United States
  15. #595

    Fastest Lap Of "Rainbow Road" In "Mario Kart 8" (Wii U)

    Courtney C. finished a lap of Rainbow Road in Mario Kart 8 in 47.91 seconds.

    Jan 02 CourtneyC 2 comments United States
  16. #596

    Fastest Time To Finish "Mt. Konawaki, Hawaii MX" Race In "Downhill Domination" (PlayStation 2)

    Jagdev Bharti Gamer finished the Mt. Konawaki, Hawaii MX race in Downhill Domination in 36.58 seconds.

    Jan 03 game India
  17. #597

    Most Zombie Pigmen Spawned In "Minecraft"

    Max M. spawned 3,563 zombie pigmen in Minecraft.

    Jan 03 maxmilburn 1 comment United States
  18. #598

    Highest Cobweb Drop In "Minecraft"

    Chris H. dropped a cobweb from 315 blocks high in Minecraft.

    Jan 03 AnAverageSavage 7 comments United States
  19. #599

    Most Coins Earned In "Club Penguin"

    Bassil K. earned 921,976 coins in Club Penguin.

    Jan 05 BassilKhawaji 9 comments United States
  20. #600

    Most Blocks Broken In 25 Seconds In "Minecraft"

    Record Setter broke 497 blocks in 25 seconds in Minecraft.

    Jan 05 RecordSetter96 9 comments Germany
video game records
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