Most Steps Taken On A Stepper Machine While Carrying A 110-Pound Dumbbell In Left Hand
William Cannon took 10 steps on a stepper machine while carrying a 110-pound dumbbell in his left hand.
Mar 16 WilliamCannon
Fastest Time To Perform 100 Keepie Uppies Using Alternating Foot Pattern
Laurent Kelly performed 100 keepie uppies in 39.90 seconds using an alternating foot pattern.
Mar 17 LaurentKelly 4 comments
Fastest Time To Perform 100 Keepie Uppies Using Alternating Foot Pattern
Laurent Kelly performed 100 keepie uppies in 35.30 seconds using an alternating foot pattern.
Sep 07 LaurentKelly 4 comments
Fastest Time To Perform 100 Keepie Uppies Using Alternating Foot Pattern
Leon Riether performed 100 keepie uppies in 37.73 seconds using an alternating foot pattern.
Sep 01 LeonRiether 4 comments
Fastest Time To Perform 100 Keepie Uppies Using Alternating Foot Pattern
Zen N. performed 100 keepie uppies in 35.00 seconds using an alternating foot pattern.
Nov 29 ZenNicola 4 comments
Longest Time Balancing 16 Hockey Pucks On Forehead
Peter Durdik balanced 16 hockey pucks on his forehead for nine minutes, 53.84 seconds.
Mar 17 PeterDurdik
Longest Time Balancing 16 Hockey Pucks On Forehead
Peter Durdik balanced 16 hockey pucks on his forehead for 22 minutes, 8.00 seconds.
Mar 24 PeterDurdik
Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle In 15 Seconds While Wearing Socks On Hands
Richard Wilson bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 70 times in 15 seconds while wearing socks on his hands.
Mar 23 RichardWilson
Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle In 15 Seconds While Wearing Socks On Hands
Pavol Durdik bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 100 times in 15 seconds while wearing socks on his hands.
Mar 30 PavolDurdik
Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle In 15 Seconds While Wearing Socks On Hands
Jakob S. bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 38 times in 15 seconds while wearing socks on his hands.
Mar 17 JakobSørvik
Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle In 15 Seconds While Wearing Socks On Hands
Pavol Durdik bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 132 times in 15 seconds while wearing socks on his hands.
Apr 06 PavolDurdik
Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle In 15 Seconds While Wearing Socks On Hands
Pavol Durdik bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 163 times in 15 seconds while wearing socks on his hands.
Apr 10 PavolDurdik
Highest Score In "River Raid: Game 1"
Sami M. earned 4,950 points in Game 1 of River Raid.
Mar 17 SamiMiikkulainen
Most Direct Strokes In 30 Seconds While Holding A 10.5-Kilogram Dumbbell
Pavol Durdik completed 62 direct strokes in 30 seconds while holding a 10.5-kilogram dumbbell.
Mar 17 PavolDurdik 1 comment
Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Triple Charlier Cuts Behind Back While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On A Paddle
Kamal Aslam performed five Charlier cuts and five Triple Charlier cuts behind his back in 17.59 seconds while bouncing a table... (more)
Mar 17 KamalAslam
Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Thumb Cuts Behind Back While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On A Paddle
Kamal Aslam performed five Charlier cuts and five Thumb cuts behind his back in 12.63 seconds while bouncing a table tennis ball... (more)
Mar 17 KamalAslam
Highest Score In "Secrets of the Past: Level 323" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 111,780 points in Secrets of the Past: Level 323.
Mar 17 PavolDurdik
Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 32" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 115,840 points in Toy Blast: Level 32.
Mar 17 PavolDurdik
Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 32" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 129,880 points in Toy Blast: Level 32.
Aug 30 SureshGaur