Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 32" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 290,000 points in Toy Blast: Level 32.
Oct 13 PavolDurdik
Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 32" (Online)
Suresh Gaur earned 256,200 points in Toy Blast: Level 32.
Sep 28 SureshGaur
Longest Time Carrying A 45-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Right Hand (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)
William Cannon carried a 45-pound Z-Bell above his head for one minute, 10.17 seconds using his right hand. His body weight... (more)
Mar 17 WilliamCannon 2 comments
Most Fitbit Steps By Two People In An Hour While Hosting A Radio Show
Pablo Newton Farley and Angie Ayers completed a combined total of 14,223 steps in an hour while hosting a radio show. They used... (more)
Mar 18 PabloNewton
Longest Time Balancing 19 Hockey Pucks On Forehead
Peter Durdik balanced 19 hockey pucks on his forehead for 16 minutes, 15.00 seconds.
Mar 18 PeterDurdik
Longest Time Balancing 19 Hockey Pucks On Forehead
Peter Durdik balanced 19 hockey pucks on his forehead for 31 minutes, 47.00 seconds.
Jan 18 PeterDurdik
Fastest Time To Complete 100 Bounces Of A Table Tennis Ball On Alternate Sides Of A Rubber Mallet
Suresh Gaur completed 100 bounces of a table tennis ball on alternate sides of a rubber mallet in 36.27 seconds.
Mar 18 SureshGaur
Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 24" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 50,300 points in Jelly Splash: Level 24.
Mar 18 PavolDurdik
Longest Time Carrying An 80-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Right Hand (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)
William Cannon carried an 80-pound Z-Bell above his head for 14.29 seconds using his right hand. His body weight during the... (more)
Mar 18 WilliamCannon 2 comments
Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Kryptonite Cuts Behind Back While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On A Paddle
Kamal Aslam performed five Charlier cuts and five Kryptonite cuts behind his back in 24.14 seconds while bouncing a table tennis... (more)
Mar 18 KamalAslam
Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Cox UKER Cuts Behind Back While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball On A Paddle
Kamal Aslam performed five Charlier cuts and five Cox UKER cuts behind his back in 40.69 seconds while bouncing a table tennis... (more)
Mar 18 KamalAslam
Highest Score In "Secrets of the Past: Level 324" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 136,560 points in Secrets of the Past: Level 324.
Mar 18 PavolDurdik
Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 33" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 44,960 points in Toy Blast: Level 33.
Mar 18 PavolDurdik
Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 33" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 293,840 points in Toy Blast: Level 33.
Oct 12 PavolDurdik
Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 33" (Online)
Suresh Gaur earned 273,600 points in Toy Blast: Level 33.
Sep 20 SureshGaur
Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 33" (Online)
Pavol Durdik earned 218,680 points in Toy Blast: Level 33.
Sep 08 PavolDurdik
Highest Score In "Toy Blast: Level 33" (Online)
Suresh Gaur earned 198,040 points in Toy Blast: Level 33.
Aug 31 SureshGaur
Longest Time Carrying A 45-Pound Z-Bell Above Head Using Left Hand (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)
William Cannon carried a 45-pound Z-Bell above his head for one minute, 7.79 seconds using his left hand. His body weight during... (more)
Mar 18 WilliamCannon 2 comments
Most Times Bouncing A Balloon Alternately On Two 1-Kilogram Dumbbells In 30 Seconds
Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon alternately on two 1-kilogram dumbbells 86 times in 30 seconds.
Mar 21 PavolDurdik 1 comment