Ski World Records

10 Records Found

00:21 United States

Longest Dryland Waterski Session

Steve Sandholm

Steve Sandholm dryland waterskiied for 17.34 seconds without falling over. He was pulled by a lawn tractor while achieving the feat. tag:RecordSetterBook01

00:19 United States

Most Vertical Feet Skied Uphill In 24 Hours (Female)

Dina Mishev

Dina Mishev climbed 34,546 feet in 24 hours, a new world record. Using climbing skins, she repeatedly trekked up a 1502-foot trail, checking in with officials at the top off the trail, before skiing down and checking in with officials at the bottom. She did this 23 times in 24 hours. The record was set on February 8, 2009 during the 24 Hour Sunlight Challenge at the Sunlight Mountain Resort in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. tag:RecordSetterBook01

00:06 Canada

Most Jump Rope Jumps In Five Seconds While Wearing Ski Boots (Junior)


Alex completed seven jump rope jumps in five seconds while wearing ski boots. He is 10 years old.

02:12 The Internet

Most Countries Skied In 20 Days

Jamie Stevenson

Jamie Stevenson skied in 16 countries in 20 days. He set the record to raise money for Disability Snowsport UK. Watch all his skiing adventures here.

02:00 United States

Longest Time Skiing Using One Ski

Corriann Delaney

Corriann D. skied using one ski for one minute, 57.75 seconds.

00:23 Belgium

Longest Time Balancing A Pair Of Skis On Chin


Pierre L. balanced a pair of skis on his chin for 14.93 seconds.

00:28 United States

Longest Time Skiing On One Leg

Alex Kleinschmidt

Alex Kleinschmidt skied downhill on one ski for 25.1 seconds.

00:28 The Internet

Most Fingertip Pull-Ups While Wearing Skis

Andreas Weaver

Andreas W. performed 13 fingertip pull-ups while wearing skis. He set the record during a vacation to improvise a workout while skiing.

00:43 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 24-Pack Of "Ski" In 15 Seconds

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 24-pack of Ski 32 times in 15 seconds.

01:14 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 24-Pack Of "Ski" In 30 Seconds

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 24-pack of Ski 59 times in 30 seconds.

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