Paper World Records

94 Records Found

01:06 United States

Most Pieces Of Paper Torn In 10 Seconds

Matt Brodsky

Matt Brodsky ripped 13 pieces of paper in half in 10 seconds.

02:02 United States

Most Pieces Of Paper Torn In One Minute

Alexander Dnimreven

Alexander Dnimreven ripped 70 pieces of paper in one minute.

00:39 United States

Most Pieces Of Paper Wadded Up In 10 Seconds

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey crumpled five pieces of paper into individual wads in 10 seconds.

00:21 United States

Most Pounds Of Paper Fit In A Car And Driven To A Recycling Station

Paul Bryan

Paul Bryan fit 1600 pounds of recyclable paper in a Ford Fusion and drove it safely to a recycling station. Bryan set the record as part of Fusion 41, a URDB World Record Challenge created by the Ford Motor Company.

01:28 Lebanon

Most Research Papers By A Single Author Published In One Month

Youssef Bassil

Youssef Bassil published 11 research papers in one month. His work was funded by the Lebanese Association for Computational Sciences.

03:21 Lebanon

Most Research Papers Published In One Year

Youssef Bassil

Youssef Bassil published 37 research papers in one year. His work was funded by the Lebanese Association for Computational Sciences.

00:45 Slovakia

Most Sheets Of Paper Ripped In Half In 30 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik ripped 31 sheets of paper in 30 seconds.

00:18 United States

Most Sheets Of Tissue Paper Ripped In 10 Seconds

Christian Cipollini

Christian Cipollini ripped 39 sheets of tissue paper in 10 seconds.

01:03 United States

Most Sports Equipment Items Cut From Construction Paper In Three Minutes In A Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Toyota Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

01:13 United States

Most Staples Stapled Into A Piece of Paper In 10 Seconds

Nicky Pembroke

Nicky P. stapled 60 staples into a piece of paper in 10 seconds.

00:36 United States

Most Stick Figures Drawn On One Page

Anthony Will

Anthony W. drew 10,231 stick figures on one sheet of paper.

00:38 United States

Most Sticky Notes Stuck On The Windshield Of A Prius In 30 Seconds

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

00:56 United States

Most Times To Flip A Roll Of Wrapping Paper Balanced On Back Of Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star flipped a roll of wrapping paper seven times while balancing it on the back of his hand.

00:59 United States

Most Times To Write, “The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog” With Non-Dominant Hand In One Minute In A Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

02:14 India

Most Triangles Drawn In 30 Seconds

Varun kumar

Varun K. drew 90 triangles in 30 seconds.

00:38 United States

Most Unique Adjectives Affixed To A Person

Opus Moreschi

Using a crowdful of volunteers to help him, Opus Moreschi had Post-It notes with a total of 356 unique adjectives written on them attached to his body. The most popular adjective attached was “douchey”, though duplicates weren’t counted. Moreschi set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. Full list of adjectives here. Adjectivevisualizationcloud here. [#WRAS11][] tag:RecordSetterBook01

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