7868 Records Found

Most M&M's Eaten In One Minute Using Only Right Hand
wyatt strebel

Most Guitar Chords Strummed In 30 Seconds Using Another Guitar As Pick
Justin Nguyen

Most Animal Crackers Fit In Open Mouth
Gibson Pettey

Most Freezer Pops Fit In Pocket
iD Tech Camp Villanova

Most Times Smiling While Listening To "Beat It"

Most Clothespins Attached To Feet
Mike Montgomery

Most Times Whistling "Happy Birthday" In One Minute
Jacob Besser
Most Strangers' Drinks Sipped Out Of In 15 Seconds
Henri Mazza

Most Consecutive Jumps Over One's Own Leg
Josh Graber

Most Images Of Fish Sandwiches Looked At In One Minute
Todd Lamb

Most Consecutive Donkey Kicks
Vito O.

Most Consecutive Tennis Volleys
Jason O'Brien

Most Times Saying "Galaptasaurus" In One Minute
Michael Epsenhart

Most J.Crew Catalogue Models Mustached In One Minute

Most Four-Letter Words Spoken In One Minute
bob jones

Most Paper Airplanes Constructed And Flown In One Minute
Russel Stokely
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