Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:29 United States

Most People To Take Cell Phone Camera Self-Portraits In A Mirror In One Minute

Paul Liebman

Paul Liebman and 23 other people took self-portraits in a mirror using their cell phone cameras in one minute. Liebman set the feat at The Purple Onion in San Francisco during a RecordSetter LIVE! event. RecordSetter Council president Dan Rollman and co-founder Corey Henderson presided over the attempt.

00:53 United States

Most People To Throw Dodgeballs At A Sports Mascot At Once

Marshall High School

93 people from Marshall High School in Marshall, Illinois threw dodgeballs at their school mascot at once. The record was sponsored by Hannig Construction, Inc.

03:28 The Internet

Most People To Throw Shoes Onstage While Jugglers Are Passing Clubs

Chad Lunders

A total of 32 people threw shoes to Chad Lunders and Mark Wilkening while they passed clubs in a juggling pattern onstage.

03:13 United States

Most People To Turn Off Their Phones At Once


At an "unplugged" party sponsored by Reboot, 147 people turned off their cell phones at the same time. The record, set during the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas, created attention about the National Day of Unplugging.

01:33 United States

Most People To Wear The Same Suit In One Minute

Neil Moallem

Neil Moallem and three of his friends wore the same suit in one minute. Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will. General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

00:59 England

Most People Touching A Butternut Squash While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson led seven people in touching a butternut squash while listening to U Can't Touch This.

01:05 England

Most People Touching A Chicken And Mushroom Pot Noodle While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson led 10 people in touching a chicken and mushroom pot noodle while listening to U Can't Touch This.

01:17 England

Most People Touching A Galia Melon While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson led seven people in touching a galia melon while listening to U Can't Touch This.

01:08 England

Most People Touching A Kit Kat Chunky While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson led 13 people in touching a Kit Kat Chunky while listening to U Can't Touch This.

01:08 England

Most People Touching A Lemon While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson led 15 people in touching a lemon while listening to U Can't Touch This.

01:02 England

Most People Touching A Loaf Of Bread While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson led 10 people in touching a loaf of bread while listening to U Can't Touch This.

01:38 Poland

Most People Touching A Pumpkin At Once

Foundation Lilia

A total of 58 students from a school in Stary Folwark, Poland touched a pumpkin at once.

00:37 The Internet

Most People Touching A Pumpkin With Feet At Once

Angelica Hernandez-Buttel

Angelica H. and 12 of her friends touched a pumpkin with their feet at once. The record was set at First Friday Las Vegas, a monthly festival held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The record was officiated by RecordSetter co-founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson. #FirstFridayLV

01:06 England

Most People Touching A Tea Bag While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson led 12 people in touching a tea bag while listening to U Can't Touch This.

01:10 England

Most People Touching A Tin Can Of Baked Beans While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson led six people in touching a tin can of baked beans while listening to U Can't Touch This.

01:08 England

Most People Touching A Tin Can Of Cat Food While Listening To "U Can't Touch This"

Nicky Wilkinson

Nicky Wilkinson and nine people touched a tin can of cat food while listening to U Can't Touch This.

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