7868 Records Found
Most One-Kilogram Dumbbell Passes Between Hands In 30 Seconds
Pavol Durdik
Most One-Kilogram Dumbbell Passes Between Hands In One Minute
Pavol Durdik
Most One-Legged Burpee Exercises While Holding A Yoga Block Between Legs
Lloyd Weema
Most One-Legged Burpees With Opposite One-Armed Push-Ups With End Jump And Clap In One Minute
Alicia Weber
Most One-Legged Jump Rope Jumps In 10 Seconds
Narsaiah Madhaiahgari
Most One-Legged Jump Rope Jumps In Five Seconds
Most One-Legged Jumps On A Towel While Holding Four Tuna Cans In One Hand And Solving A Rubik's Cube
Most One-Legged Leaping Mountain Climber Exercises In One Minute
Alicia Weber
Most One-Legged Leaping Mountain Climber Exercises In Three Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most One-Legged Leaping Mountain Climber Exercises In Two Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most One-Legged Moon Shoe Hops In One Minute
Lucy Harrell
Most One-Legged Squats While Playing A Didgeridoo
Tai Star
Most Onions Held In One Hand At Once (Palm Down)
Pavol Durdik
Most Onions Held In One Hand At Once (Palm Up)
Pavol Durdik
Most Online Multiplayer Kills On Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Jacob Ruthruff
Most Open Xbox Game Cases Stacked In One Minute
Sean Lezaj
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