Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:03 Australia

Most Tennis Ball Dribbles While Spinning A Basketball On A Pen Held In Shoe


Brendan Kelbie dribbled a tennis ball 122 times while spinning a basketball on a pen held in his shoe.

07:00 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In Seven Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 106 high knee jump push-ups in seven minutes.

00:44 Belgium

Most Calamari Rings Hung On One Ear

Pedro Elias

Pedro Elias hung seven calamari rings on his left ear.

14:00 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In 14 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 167 high knee jump push-ups in 14 minutes.

12:00 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In 12 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 147 high knee jump push-ups in 12 minutes.

00:28 United States

Most People Invisible Hula Hooping At Once

HOWLive Design Conference

At Sam Harrison's "Slay Your Zombies, Slash Your Zigzags, Show Your Zing" session during 2017 HOWLive Design Conference, 800 people invisible hula hooped at once.

00:05 The Internet

Most "Hand Steps" Steps Descended By A Slinky

George bell

George Bell and Dylan Solley successfully sent a slinky down five steps on their hands.

01:29 England

Most Tennis Ball Bounces On A Cricket Bat In One Minute

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson bounced a tennis ball on a cricket bat 240 times in one minute.

00:16 United States

Tallest Stack Of Nail Polish Bottles

Mitch Gierke

Mitch G. stacked 10 nail polish bottles.

13:01 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In 13 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 157 high knee jump push-ups in 13 minutes.

03:45 England

Most Keepie Uppies Balanced On One Foot

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly performed 502 keepie uppies balanced on his right foot.

09:01 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In Nine Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 124 high knee jump push-ups in nine minutes.

02:05 Canada

Most Fire Breathes Off Knife Torch Blockhead

Christopher Campbell

Christopher Campbell AKA FenyxFyre successfully breathed six fire balls off of one knife blockhead torch inserted in his nasal cavity. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

03:40 United States

Most Seven-Block Jenga Towers Made In Three Minutes

Vito O.

Vito made six 7-block Jenga towers in three minutes.

10:58 United States

Most High Knee Jump Push-Ups In 11 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 142 high knee jump push-ups in 11 minutes.

17:36 The Internet

Most Snakes To Share A Bathtub With

David Thomas

David Thomas sat with 199 rattlesnakes and one copperhead snake in a bathtub. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

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