Gymnastics World Records

Handstands, cartwheels, backflips, handsprings -- gymnastics world records are a rough-and-tumble lot, involving athletes with amazing strength, flexibility and daring. Leotards and judges aren't required, but bravery, bouncing and stilts are most welcome.

114 Records Found

00:26 United States

Fastest Completion Of 20 Stationary Cartwheels

Kaylee Wallach

Kaylee W. completed 20 stationary cartwheels in 19.96 seconds.

00:37 United States

Fastest Completion Of 28 Cartwheels


Leah completed 28 cartwheels in 35.84 seconds.

00:7 England

Fastest Completion Of Five Cartwheels

Vaughan Pullen

Vaughan's son completed five cartwheels in exactly 4.00 seconds.

00:7 England

Fastest Completion Of Five Cartwheels

Vaughan Pullen

Vaughan's son completed five cartwheels in exactly 4.00 seconds.

00:25 The Internet

Fastest Recitation Of All The Kings And Queens Of England While Performing A Split And Wearing A Fedora Hat

Jelus Jessica

Jelus recited all the kings and queens of England in 17.10 seconds while performing a split and wearing a fedora hat.


Fastest Time To Complete A Double Flip, Play The "Thunderstruck" Intro Riff On An Accordion And Solve A Rubik's Cube

Antton Curutchet

Antton Curutchet performed a double flip, played the intro riff to “Thunderstruck” on an accordion and solved a Rubik’s Cube in 48.37 seconds.

00:10 The Internet

Fastest Time To Complete Five Forward And Backward Somersaults

Leah Freiberg

Leah F. completed five forward and backward somersaults in 10.00 seconds.

Largest Cardboard Tower Cartwheeled Into While Live On The Radio

Marki Wong

Marki Wong cartwheeled into a cardboard tower made of 89 boxes. As part of the 3rd Annual World Record Week, Wong set the record live on-air during the “The Drive Home with Mel” show on K-Rock 89.3 on September 21, 2011.

01:14 United States

Largest Human Pyramid Assembled in 15 Seconds

Christophe Flodstrom

Chrisophe Floodstrom orchestrated his fraternity Phi Kappa Psi Wisconsin Gamma to build a pyramid consisting of 18 people. Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will. General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

01:30 Philippines

Longest "Bow & Arrow" Handstand


Kalvin W. performed "bow & arrow" handstand for one minute, 21.15 seconds.

00:36 France

Longest Back Lever Pose While Balancing Person On Back

Kevin Soler

Kevin S. held a back lever pose for 32.03 seconds with a 55-kilogram person standing on his back.

01:29 Canada

Longest Elbow Stand In A Split Position

Allie and Elle inc productions

Bobbie-Allannah performed an elbow stand in a split position for one minute, 29.00 seconds.

01:14 Canada

Longest Elbow Stand In Snow

Allie and Elle inc productions

Jordyn-Elle performed an elbow stand in snow for one minute, 14.00 seconds.

02:18 Canada

Longest Elbow Stand While Reading

Allie and Elle inc productions

Jordyn-Elle performed an elbow stand for two minutes, 15.02 seconds while reading a book.

00:33 United States

Longest Front Flip Off a Slide

Kenneth Evans

Kenneth Evans performed a front flip over a distance of 10 feet, three inches (123 inches). WARNING: This record can be dangerous. Please have assistance on hand if you attempt this feat and observe safety precuations.

02:23 Israel

Longest Handstand (Junior)

rotem kaplan

Rotem K. performed a handstand that lasted two minutes, 18.03 seconds. He is 16 years old.

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