Group World Records

Group world records are where teams of friends, coworkers, family members or even strangers get together to achieve more than they could accomplish alone. Groups have collaborated to dance, play music, pull off ambitious sporting endeavors and tell cancer to take a hike, among a flurry of other feats.

713 Records Found

21:52 United States

Longest High Five Chain

Vandalia-Butler Community

A total of 705 members of Vandalia-Butler Community in Vandalia, Ohio successfully pulled off world’s longest high five chain, each person high fiving the next.

00:21 Canada

Largest Group Cheering On A Computer Progress Bar


672 students and staff of LCI Lethbridge cheered at once while watching a computer bar inch forward.

01:26 United States

Most Three-Person Between-The-Legs Melon Passes In 30 Seconds


Three members of Support The Melons passed a melon between their legs 23 times in 30 seconds. They set the record to promote breast cancer awareness and raise funds for the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign.

01:42 United States

Largest Sierpinski Triangle Made Of Pennies


Students from Eudora High School created a Sierpinski triangle made of 59,049 pennies. They set the record to raise funds for the March of Dimes, collecting a total of $731.83 during the attempt.

01:43 United States

Most Spins Of A Melon On A Person's Back In 30 Seconds While In A Running Shower


Members of Support The Melons spun a melon 38 times on a person's back while inside a shower room with the water on. They set the record to promote breast cancer awareness and raise funds for the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

02:25 United States

Most People Attempting To Solve Rubik's Cubes While Blindfolded And Standing On One Foot


57 employees attempted to solve Rubik's Cubes while blindfolded and standing on one foot.

01:11 England

Most People Dancing To "Captain Pugwash" While Wearing Pirate Costumes

Durham Scouts

32 Durham scouts danced to Captain Pugwash while wearing pirate costumes.

01:38 England

Longest "Identical T-Shirt" Conga Line

Durham Scouts

132 Durham Scouts danced in a conga line while wearing identical shirts.

00:27 England

Most People Impersonating Pirates

Durham Scouts

A total of 1,130 scouts, guides, and leaders from Durham Scouts Confido Event performed pirate impressions.

03:38 United States

Fastest Time For Two People To Eat 10 Big Macs While Standing Inside A McDonald's

Naader Reda

Naader Reda and John Rivera ate 10 Big Macs in four minutes, 47.00 seconds while standing inside a McDonald's. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:17 England

Most Scouts And Guides Renewing The Scout Promise

Durham Scouts

A total of 1,130 scouts and guides at the Durham Scouts Confido Event renewed their Scout Promise. They set the record during their closing ceremony.

01:22 The Internet

Most People Simultaneously Thumb Wrestling

Trent Henderson

Trent H. led 279 members of Heritage Park Baptist Church to simultaneously thumb wrestled.

02:21 The Internet

Most People Wearing Decorated Hats In A Conga Line

Paul Stanfield

On September 28, 80 North London residents, many over the age of 70 with walking sticks and in wheelchairs, wore decorated hats while forming a conga line. Paul Stanfield, Claremont, and volunteers from international law firm Slaughter and May organized the event. They set the record to raise money and awareness for the London Charity - Claremont, an organization that builds community and tackles loneliness in older life. Granny hip hop artist Ida Barr and Deputy Mayor of Islington, Cllr Theresa Debono, were present to witness the attempt.

06:53 The Internet

Most Tri Delta Members Performing The "Crazy In Love" Dance Routine From "Just Dance" At Once

Krysta Nelson

Krysta N. led 148 Tri Delta members at Baylor University in simultaneously performing the Crazy in Love dance routine from Just Dance.

00:33 The Internet

Longest Chain Of Kids Thumb Wrestling While Lying Down

maggie james

Maggie J. led 63 kids to thumb wrestle while lying face down.

00:46 United States

Most People Doing Handstands At Once


12 members of Victory Gymnastics Academy simultaneously held a handstand for 30 seconds. The record was set during National Gymnastics Day 2013 at Victory Gymnastics Academy in San Diego, California.

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