Fitness World Records

1253 Records Found

28:35 United States

Most Points Scored In "900-Round Archer Push-Up" Shoot

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber scored 622 points in the 900-Round Archer Push-up Shoot challenge.

01:40 Pakistan

Most Pop-Up Exercises Performed In One Minute


Ahmad Amin Bodla performed 37 pop-up exercises in one minute.

00:53 United States

Most Presses Of 55-Pound Anvil With Right Arm

Clint Poore

Clint Poore pressed a 55-pound anvil 15 times with his right arm.

01:01 United States

Most Presses Of A 55-Pound Anvil With Left Arm

Clint Poore

Clint Poore pressed a 55-pound anvil 14 times with his left arm.

01:06 United States

Most Presses Of A 70-Pound Anvil With Left Arm

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed five reps pressing a 70-pound anvil with his left arm.

01:00 United States

Most Presses Of A 70-Pound Anvil With Right Arm

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed six reps pressing a 70-pound anvil with his right arm.

30:46 United States

Most Pull-Ups In 30 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 595 pull-ups in 30 minutes.

01:01:57 United States

Most Pull-Ups In One Hour

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 1,070 pull-ups in one hour.

07:27 United States

Most Pull-Ups In One Minute Followed By Most Chin-Ups In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 56 pull-ups in one minute followed by 55 chin-ups in one minute.

35:58 United States

Most Pull-Ups On A 10-Inch Thick Bar During A 30-Minute 3-In-1 Challenge

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 205 pull-ups on a thick bar during a 30-minute 3-in-1 challenge. Pull-ups are to be completed in this order: 1.10 minutes of pull-ups with a 10-pound medicine ball held between legs 2.10 minutes of L-pull-ups where legs are held straight out and parallel to ground 3.10 minutes of regular pull-ups

00:38 Canada

Most Pulse Push-Ups On Three Exercise Balls

ryan brown

Ryan B. performed 19 pulse push-ups on three exercise balls.

01:04 India

Most Pulsing Push-Ups In One Minute

Mohsin Hussain

Mohsin H. performed 170 pulsing push-ups in one minute.

20:00 United States

Most Punching Bag Punches In 20 Minutes

Howard Barber

Howard B. punched a punching bag 7,259 times in 20 minutes.

01:19 Armenia

Most Punching Bag Punches In One Minute

Narek Hakobyan

Narek H. punched a punching bag 423 times in one minute.

07:11 United States

Most Push-Up And Juggling Medley Reps

Nate Tower

Nate T. completed 342 repetitions of a push-up and juggling medley.

01:29 Malaysia

Most Push-Up Burpees Performed In One Minute

WyeKit Chong

WyeKit Chong performed 37 push-up burpees in one minute.

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