Fastest World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
2591 Records Found
Fastest Time To Drive Around Manhattan
CBC Life

Fastest Time To Inflate 1,000 Balloons
sadham hussain

Fastest Time To Walk 30 Miles While Carrying A 76-Pound Backpack
Paddy Doyle

Fastest Talker
Steve Woodmore

Fastest Time For 6 People To Hop 60 Meters While Wearing 3D Glasses And Carrying Backpacks With Shoelaces Tied Together
Andre Ferreira

Fastest Time To Travel Six Feet In A Laundry Basket Filled With Toilet Paper
Don Danos

Fastest Time To Recite First 150 Decimals Of Pi
Emily Garber

Shortest Phone Call

Fastest Time To Vertically Split A Banana Three Ways
Sarah Jellyman

Fastest Triple Rotation Of A Pillow
Vito O.

Fastest Time To Change A Light Bulb While Standing On Someone's Back
3rdFloor Spruce

Fastest Ascending 88-Key Chromatic Scale On A Piano
Hoornaert Nicolas

Fastest Time To Shoot A Face Onto A Pumpkin From 25 Meters Away
Doug McManaman

Fastest Time To Type And View "Hello World" Script In PHP
Alexis Caron

Fastest Time To Type Alphabet Using One Hand
Dylan Mavrides

Fastest Time To Solve A Pocket Cube While Riding A Unicycle
Luke Wilson
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