Ball World Records

732 Records Found

00:30 United States

Most One-Handed Four Ball Flashes In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed seven consecutive one-handed four-ball flashes in 30 seconds.

00:10 United States

Most Balls Juggled Over The Head Off A Wall

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled four balls over his head off a wall.

02:15 The Internet

Tallest Book Towers Stood On By Two People Making Clay Balls

Grace Hagy

Grace Hagy and Gina stacked two 12-book towers and each made a clay ball while standing on them.

01:03 United States

Most Mills Mess Patterns In One Minute While Juggling Three Two-Pound Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 76 Mills Mess patterns in one minute while juggling three two-pound balls.

01:02 United States

Most Catches Juggling Three Two-Pound Balls In A Reverse Cascade Pattern In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 233 catches juggling three two-pound balls in a reverse cascade pattern in one minute.

01:40 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Two-Pound Balls Overhead And Hula Hooping While Kneeling


Pete Moyer juggled three two-pound balls overhead for one minute, 1.25 seconds while hula hooping. He performed the attempt while kneeling.

01:27 United States

Most Bounces Of A Softball On A Four-Pound Sledgehammer

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a softball on a four-pound sledgehammer 188 times.

01:01 United States

Most Coin Rolls Using Two Eisenhower Silver Dollars In One Minute While Juggling Two Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 22 coin rolls in one minute using two Eisenhower silver dollars while juggling two balls.

00:32 United States

Most Consecutive Coin Rolls Using Two Eisenhower Silver Dollars In 30 Seconds While Juggling Two Balls Simultaneously

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 17 coin rolls using two Eisenhower silver dollars in 30 seconds while juggling two balls simultaneously.

00:43 Canada

Most Catches Juggling Two Balls One-Handed While Balancing On An Exercise Ball On Knees And Spinning A Basketball On A Pencil

Mason Axcell

Mason A. completed 22 catches juggling two balls with one hand while balancing on an exercise ball on his knees and spinning a basketball on a pencil.

01:27 The Internet

Most Passes Of A Baseball Between Legs In One Minute

Charles Seals

Charles S. passed a baseball between his legs 110 times in one minute.

11:03 Canada

Most Sports Represented By Balancing

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a soccer ball, a hockey puck, a baseball and a tennis ball on top of a glass. This represents four sports: soccer, hockey, baseball, and tennis.

01:13 United States

Most Catches Juggling Three Four-Pound Balls In One Minute

Nate Tower

Nate T. completed 290 catches juggling three four-pound balls in one minute.

01:08 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Four-Pound Balls In A Box Pattern

Nate Tower

Nate T. juggled three four-pound balls in a box pattern for 56.10 seconds.

00:46 Georgia

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Table Tennis Paddle While Blindfolded

Mamuka Kucia

Mamuka Kucia bounced a table tennis ball on a table tennis paddle 100 times while blindfolded.

00:53 United States

Most Successful Consecutive Bank Shots While Juggling Three Basketballs

Audi T

Audi T. made 11 successful consecutive bank shots while juggling three basketballs.

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