Balance World Records

1338 Records Found

03:52 United States

Longest Time Balancing Two Clubs On Chin

Jay Braggart

Jay B. balanced one juggling club on top of another and balanced both clubs on his chin for three minutes, 29.50 seconds.

00:59 Singapore

Longest Handstand On A Dictionary

Junkai Liow

Junkai L. performed a handstand on a dictionary for 58.69 seconds.

31:40 India

Longest Time Balancing A Cue Stick On One Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a cue stick on his finger for 31 minutes, 4.97 seconds.

06:15 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Baseball On Top Of A Football Held In Hand

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a baseball on top of a football held in his hand for 24 minutes, 30.00 seconds.

02:19 United States

Most American Quarters Balanced On Nose At Once

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced 20 American quarters on his nose at once.

58:25 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Golf Putter On One Finger

Mark Evans

Mark E. balanced a golf putter on his finger for 58 minutes, 4.63 seconds.

30:28 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Wooden Dowel On Top Of Finger

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced a wooden dowel on top of his finger for 29 minutes, 54.62 seconds.

14:08 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Table Tennis Paddle On Top Of A Screwdriver On A Baseball Held In Hand While Kneeling

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced a table tennis paddle on top of a screwdriver on a baseball held in his hand for 12 minutes, 26.78 seconds while kneeling.

24:41 India

Longest Time Balancing A Cue Stick On Thumb

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a cue stick on his thumb for 23 minutes, 55.15 seconds.

26:53 India

Longest Time Balancing A Wine Bottle And A Badminton Racquet On Top Of A Shuttlecock Held In Hand

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a wine bottle and a badminton racquet on top of a shuttlecock held in his hand for 24 minutes, 4.76 seconds.

03:57 India

Longest Time Balancing A Stick On Thumb While Seated In Lotus Pose

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a stick on his thumb for three minutes, 54.06 seconds while holding a lotus position on a rock in a creek.

01:09 India

Most AA Batteries Balanced On Elbow And Caught

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced five AA batteries on his elbow and caught them.

01:35 India

Most CDs Balanced On Elbow And Caught

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced 55 CDs on his elbow and caught all of them in his hand.

03:04 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Baseball On A 16-Inch Tent Peg On Chin While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a baseball on a 16-inch tent peg on his chin for one minute, 56.50 seconds while kneeling.

06:02 Scotland

Longest Time Balancing A 500-Pound Barbell Using Both Feet And Hands

William Cannon

William Cannon balanced a 500-pound barbell for 5.18 seconds using both of his feet and hands.

02:54 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Basketball On Top Of A Pole On Right Ear While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a basketball on top of a pole on his right ear for one minute, 50.00 seconds while kneeling.

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