Record Broken!

See Current

Fastest Time To Say "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"

United States


Rockville, Maryland, United States / August 22, 2015

Doron T. said Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in 1.40 seconds.

- must observe RecordSetter fast speech criteria
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardfastestverbalspeechsilicosis

  • United States Anthony

    Hi. Sorry if it sounds like it’s sped up lol. It’s my first record and I kinda didn’t know how to record it, or how to set it up, so I kinda just pressed record, said it as fast as I can, and then stopped the recording. Anyway, Sorry if it sounds sped up.

  • United States Anthony

    I attempted to beat this and my attempt is still going through but I have a feeling this is sped up I agree with ZARA MAIDEN

  • The Internet c@leb wilson

    I can beat I have beat.

  • The Internet Zara Maiden

    No offence but I think this is sped up

  • United States Benjamin Broklawski

    dang bro

  • The Internet Riley Awesome


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