Record Broken!

See Current

Most Chicken McNuggets Eaten For A YouTube Video



Chelmsford, England / August 31, 2013

The Essex Animal ate 76 Chicken McNuggets. He set the record as part of his YouTube channel episode.

WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

- must begin and end attempt with an empty mouth
- may not pre-cut or alter food
- may drink liquids during the attempt
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostfoodpeopleeatingMcDonaldschickennuggets

  • The Internet Tony

    But.... I'm 17 and I was just challenged to eat 200 nuggets in 1hr I thinks I can do it.

  • United States Ian McGehee

    Would do a record on the 14th it is the 12th but that's my birthday.

  • United States Ian McGehee

    Oh I meant bad as in someone had done more !

  • United States Ian McGehee

    This record is bad someone has done 100!

    • United States Ian McGehee

      In the most by two they both ate 100!

    • United States Jenn Wark

      And did they then subsequently use the footage in a YouTube video? That's the second part of the qualifier -- unless they did both, this record stands.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      they may have gone on a page!

    • United States Jenn Wark

      If you find it on YouTube -- the criteria is quite specific -- we'll be happy to review the evidence. Thanks!

    • United States Ian McGehee

      I may see if my mom well let me.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      I just found it on the record yes it is on youtube! They both did 100 he did 76 I would say this would count if he gave it some name that was better, or if he does more than 100 than I well count it right.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Oh and I also think that because he know it was 100 he could not do 100 and because that person who had the record had two people and he only did it by him self he just wanted to claim the record with most chichen mgnuggets eaten for a youtube video maybe?

    • United States Ian McGehee

      If you really beat 100 than you well have the record.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Oh this is my last comment for this record for today I would like to say Jenn would you look at my records?

    • United States Ian McGehee

      This is really my last comment of this record for today that is still really good just not the record!

    • United States Ian McGehee

      I am sorry but I found that two you can drink water only and this one you can drink any drink.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Just one more thing this one you do not have to eat McDonalds nuggets with two you do maybe.

    • England Essex Animal

      Uhh, we only do these records for fun... they are there to be beaten, I want to create a bit of a community around breaking our records, we are not unbeatable and we know it.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      So I can call it the past current record?

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Just would like to say at the start of record cool song what is it called?Or did you make it up?

    • United States Ian McGehee

      And also even if you just do it for fun than I think you should only put in on youtube!Because if the real person who had the record saw this he may get mad!

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Just do let you know look for the record for fastest time to eat a hot dog and a hog dog on record setter not on youtube!

    • United States Ian McGehee

      I will tell dan if you do not beat 100 by Moday!

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Are you going to set the record for fastest time to eat 10 McDonalds Happy meals because some body did 5 by there self so you could do 10 with your friend!

    • United States Ian McGehee


    • United States Ian McGehee

      You don't want to ha I am not kinking.

    • England Essex Animal

      It is just stock music. I didn't make it.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Is Essex Animal your name?

    • England Essex Animal

      No, we are from Essex, and the name is of our group and one member. It's weird, but there you go.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Of all the people who know about this web site I know a lot not a lot if you count Dan RollMan but I look for records verry much.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      This time tell me is there anyfood you don't like just so I know some record you would never do be cause you are so cool so I want to know what you will do next so if you let me know I wont tell every one on record setter because I don't want people do do a food or drink record but you don't like the food I just want to know what you would never do.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Also tell me this are you every going to do a record while be dressed up as Mario or bower because bower would be funny and cool.

    • England Essex Animal

      It may not be a record setting video - but we have plans for a 1000 subscriber special on our YouTube channel that involves dressing up as... Nintendo characters

    • England Essex Animal

      FYI, we don't like Marmite.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Just sent it to record setter I will help you get in the leaderboards.

    • United States Ian McGehee

      Name this record most chicken McNuggets eaten by a group and look for fastest time to eat a 500 gram bow of oreos this is on record setter but this time tell me.

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