Highest Score In

Highest Score In "Pole Position II" (Arcade)

The Internet

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Boise, Idaho, United States / December 11, 2012

Carl T. earned 89,060 points in Pole Position II. He set the record at Spacebar Arcade in Boise, Idaho.


Tags: gaminghighestscorepointsvideo gamearcadePole Position

  • The Internet Carl Billadeau

    What are the settings on the machine? I scored 66240 but my total time was 207.35. How was your time longer? Did the machine have extra laps set? Btw that 66240 was with the pole position, puddle boost, and perfect run.

    • The Internet Carl Billadeau

      I'm guessing the dip switches were set to 4 laps instead of 3.

    • The Internet Logan Kimpel

      Yor bascly right bro that wasn't he video that was a picture and it wasn't even you and that's cheating and I'm not talking about you I'm talking about the other guy

  • The Internet Riley Themanofsteel

    How u can get the pole position automatically is to go around the qualifying track twice.. and if u finish the race u will go over 90 thousand on ur score

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Moving forwards, I propose submissions need to have video evidence. Check out Joel West's record for Highest Score in Pole Position II (MAME .106): http://rec.st/GMr

    • The Internet Carl Thulin

      Dan, Thanks for the info and nice job Joel. My score on Pole Position II was on the original stand up arcade game and I have since scored 90,380. It will be difficult to get video but I have a picture of the score with an employee at Spacebar Arcade as a witness.

    • Canada Dan Rollman

      We should definitely keep MAME and arcade versions as separate categories. I just want to keep pushing gamers to shoot videos of their final screens to ensure we don't have disputes connected to fake scores. That said, you should submit photos of your new score and we'll add them. Nice work!

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