
Longest World Record Attempt Cut Short By An Act Of Nature

The Internet


St. Augustine, Florida, United States / June 10, 2012

Ed Heemskerk planned to play Q*Bert for 100 hours on a single coin and set a world record for Longest Time Playing a Video Game Using One Quarter.

After 56.5 hours, a power surge caused by an electrical storm brought unexplained death to Heemskerk's on-screen player and somehow reset the game. Read more about the unfortunate feat here.

- must be a single and continuous world record attempt by an individual
- attempt must have a definable start and ending shortened by an external occurence outside of record setter's control
- attempt must follow standard RecordSetter submission guidelines
- must provide video evidence


Tags: longestgamingvideo gamenatureattemptQ Bertthunderstorm

  • United States blacka rrow

    Playing a long-distance game is like running Run 3—it takes strategy, stamina, and a little luck. Ed Heemskerk aimed for 100 hours on Q*Bert, but a storm reset everything after 56.5 hours. Sometimes the biggest challenge isn't skill, but the unexpected.

  • The Internet cameronbrody

    Power surges in household refer to the unexpected and provisional ride in the power of the electrical equipment & supplies leading to squalor and irreparable injury of electronic plans. When a expedient fails to use power optimally, there will be a rise in present flow and its delivery.

  • United States Tilly Racker

    Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs house cleaning tyler tx

  • The Internet Ken Vineburg

    Eddie Baby.. Just signed and voted... hope I got in under the deadline. The vote didn't seem to go up when I pressed the up button.. A worthy effort, sorry fate was against you. Question? How did you go to the bathroom?

  • The Internet Debbie Cox

    Ed, Good Luck. Alyson sent me a message on Facebook to vote. When I click the points seem to go down instead of up. It was 870 when I first looked and now it is 860. I'm confused. Hope I didn't mess this up for you! Hope your have fun at least.

  • The Internet paul dean

    Ed - I am looking forward to your next marathon!

  • The Internet Tony Ossipov


  • The Internet Angeline

    Good job

  • The Internet Glen Updike

    Great job Ed. Sorry for what nature did. You'll get em' next time champ!

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Ed, you're still my hero. Well, one of them.

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