Record Broken!

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Longest Melodramatic Pronunciation Of "No"

United States

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New York City, New York, United States / April 24, 2012

Host Beth Hoyt pronounced “No” lasting 28.69 seconds. She set the record during an episode of My Damn Channel Live.



- no audible pauses permitted
- must pronounce entire word
- may only use single breath
- must exhale for duration of attempt
- must provide video evidence



Tags: longestverbalpronunciationno

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Well, I think taking melodramatic out of it takes away the original intent of the record, but I understand it's hard to moderate.

  • United States Jenn Wark

    An accent is quantifiable -- an accent is an accent. What I find melodramatic and what you find melodramatic might differ. That's why I feel it can't be measured and should be removed -- how do we judge whether someone has said someone melodramatically or not?

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Hm. Not sure. I think melodramatic is definitely a certain style. Like saying something with a certain accent or that sort of thing.

  • United States Jenn Wark

    "Melodramatic" isn't exactly a quantifiable criteria -- how does the rest of the community feel about removing that from the title here?

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