Attempt Denied!

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Youngest Person To Build An Ionic Ray Gun

The Internet

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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada / April 2, 2012

Fifteen-year-old Andrew Magdy Kamal built an ionic ray gun.

DENIED: Lacks sufficient evidence.


- must build an ionic ray gun
- ionic ray gun must be working



Tags: youngestpersoninventionionic ray gun

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Andrew, this video does not verify that this is really an ionic ray gun and there is no evidence that proves it does anything more than move air. It will be accepted if you could follow up with a firm evidence

  • United States Andrew Magdy Kamal

    Why is it denied

  • United States Andrew Magdy Kamal

    now its working

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Andrew, how does an ionic ray gun works?

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