Longest Throw And Catch Of An Exercise Ball Using Parachutes

United States

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Brooklyn, New York, United States / June 6, 2010

Colleen Macklin, Andres Vargas, Mattia Romeo, and Greg Trefry launched a 3.5 foot exercise ball 35 feet, 4 inches to a partner team who successfully caught it.

The record was set during the Ball-Pop event at the 2010 Come Out and Play Festival[] in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. URDB official Rob Birdsong was on hand as a witness.


- must use parachutes 6' in diameter
- must use four people to fling ball
- must use four people to catch ball
- must use a 3.5-foot exercise ball
- partner team must make successful catch


Tags: catchingdistancethrowingexercise ballparachute

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