Most Catches In 15 Seconds While Juggling In An N-Box Pattern

United States

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Conifer, Colorado, United States / December 31, 2011

Pete Moyer completed 75 consecutive catches in 15 seconds while juggling three balls in an N-box pattern.

- must juggle in an N-box pattern
- must use three standard juggling balls
- catches must be consecutive
- catches must be made within the time frame; incomplete catches will be deducted from the final total
- time stops when pattern is broken or drop is made


Tags: mostjugglingballcatches

  • United States Gold Member

    this was called the slam in the 90's

    • Canada Mike Moore

      I realize this is an old comment, but I thought I'd mention that a "slam" (at least these days, to my knowledge) is considered a type of throw, rather than a pattern itself. It's (almost always) a 2x throw over one ball, so continuous slams is synonomous with fast shuffle pattern. In the N box, one ball does a slam (going down), followed by a reverse slam (going up).

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