Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

05:33 Canada

Longest Time Balancing 10 Pounds Of Butter On A Pole On Chin While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced 10 pounds of butter on a pole on his chin for 18.81 seconds while kneeling.

01:07 Japan

Most Times Saying "Mom" In One Minute

Yuki Hirako

Arco & Peace Yuki Hirako said "mom" 361 times in one minute. He set the record on the set of a Japanese TV show in Tokyo, Japan.

07:09 Australia

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On The Base Of A Coffee Mug While Standing On One Foot


Brendan Kelbie bounced a table tennis ball on the base of a coffee mug 1,604 times while standing on one foot.

00:42 Slovakia

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Remote Control In 15 Seconds While Balancing A Tealight Candle On Head And Wearing Sunglasses

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a table tennis ball on a remote control 127 times in 15 seconds while balancing a tealight candle on his head and wearing sunglasses.

04:17 India

Fastest Inverted Painting While Singing

Prasanna Bhojashettar

Prasanna Bhojashettar created the inverted painting titled "Motherly Love" in three minutes, 17.56 seconds while singing a Bollywood movie soundtrack.

01:29 United States

Tallest Card Tower Stacked On Hand While Balancing On An Exercise Ball

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked a card tower seven stories high while balancing on an exercise ball.

00:14 Canada

Most People Fit In A Hula Hoop


Nine members of the Summer Reading Program in Alberta, Canada fit themselves in a hula hoop.

03:23 Slovakia

Tallest Plastic Fork Tower Stacked On A Basketball

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik stacked 66 plastic forks on a basketball.

01:48 Canada

Most OWL Magazines Balanced On One Hand

Levi Capon

Levi C. balanced 42 OWL Magazines on his right hand.

01:25 Australia

Longest Time Spinning A Basketball On A Pen Held In Shoe While Balancing A Table Tennis Ball On The Tip Of Nose


Brendan Kelbie spun a basketball on a pen held in his shoe for 25.05 seconds while balancing a table tennis ball on the tip of his nose.

00:45 Slovakia

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Remote Control In 20 Seconds While Balancing A Tealight Candle On Head And Wearing Sunglasses

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a table tennis ball on a remote control 174 times in 20 seconds while balancing a tealight candle on his head and wearing sunglasses.

03:29 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Telescope On Forehead While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a telescope on his forehead for one minute, 5.75 seconds while kneeling.

00:55 Australia

Longest Time Spinning A Basketball On A Pen Held In Shoe While Balancing A Wooden Chair On Chin


Brendan Kelbie spun a basketball on a pen held in his shoe for 15.68 seconds while balancing a wooden chair on his chin.

02:30 Australia

Longest Time Balancing A Carrot On Index Finger


WoofDeadBang balanced a carrot on his index finger for two minutes, 15.78 seconds.

04:15 United States

Longest Time Spinning A Fidget Spinner On A Basketball

Zack Zimmerman

Zack Z. spun a fidget spinner on a basketball for four minutes, 3.64 seconds.

United States

Most NES Games Stacked In A Tower


Zack and Donovan stacked79 NES games in a single tower.

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