Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

01:27 United States

Most Items Stuck On The Wall And Ceiling Of A Bedroom

Elliott Petrilla

Eden P. stuck 59 items on the wall and ceiling of his bedroom.

10:08 India

Longest Star Pose Held While Holding A Table Tennis Ball On Navel

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. held a star pose for nine minutes, 24.41 seconds while holding a table tennis ball on his navel.

00:36 England

Largest Collection Of "Tottenham Hotspur" Fixture Cards

Chris Cowlin

Chris Cowlin has 18 Tottenham Hotspur fixture cards in his collection.

00:36 England

Largest Collection Of "Tottenham Hotspur" Season Tickets

Chris Cowlin

Chris Cowlin has 14 Tottenham Hotspur season tickets in his collection.

03:14 England

Most Quiz Books Based On British Football Clubs Published By A Single Author

Chris Cowlin

Chris Cowlin published 61 quiz books based on British Football Clubs.

02:15 England

Largest Collection Of "Tottenham Hotspur" Tickets

Chris Cowlin

Chris Cowlin has 686 Tottenham Hotspur tickets in his collection.

00:59 India

Longest Peacock Pose Held On A Fallen Tree

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. held a peacock pose on a fallen tree for 25.86 seconds.

00:18 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Quarter On A Foam Finger

Tanner Woodson

Tanner's friend balanced a quarter on a foam finger for 9.31 seconds.

00:56 India

Most Hops With One Leg Behind Head

Sagar A

Sagar A. placed one leg behind his head and hopped 86 times.

01:51 Canada

Fastest Time To Disassemble A 7x7 Rubik's Cube

Michael Huang

Michael H. disassembled a 7x7 Rubik's cube in one minute, 38.56 seconds.

00:39 United States

Fastest Time To Balance A 12-Ounce Bottle On Finger

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced a 12-fluid ounce bottle on his finger in 0.50 second.

12:44 The Internet

Most Disposable Polyethylene Gloves Worn On One Hand At Once

Tori Reyes

Tori R. wore 65 disposable polyethylene gloves on her hand at once. She set the record as part of her class project.

01:55 United States

Most Popcorn Kernels Eaten In One Minute While Upside Down

johnny bajnoczy

Johnny B. ate 40 popcorn kernels in one minute while upside down. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:18 India

Largest Key Chain


Rakesh V. created a Titanic key chain measuring 10 feet long and 0.91 feet wide. He constructed the piece from Thermocol sheets and chart papers.

01:35 India

Longest Time To Keep Four Running Motorcycles Stopped With Arms And Legs

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. stopped four running motorcycles using only his arms and legs and kept the engines restrained for 10.19 seconds. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

03:03 England

Longest Time Keeping Eyes Popped

John Doyle

John Doyle kept his eyes popped for two minutes, 22.41 seconds.

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