Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:8 United States

Farthest Distance To Bounce A Waboba Ball On Water


Vincent bounced a Waboba ball on water, achieving a total distance of 250 feet (3000 inches).

06:57 Canada

Most Consecutive Live Radio Breaks Rhymed

Mel Sampson

Mel Sampson did 17 consecutive live radio breaks in rhyme. She set the record as part of The Drive Home with Mel World Record Week 4 during a live broadcast at 89.3 K-Rock radio.

02:00 The Internet

Largest Collection Of Two-Dollar Bills

Michael Moreno

Michael M. has a collection of 1,808 $2 bills.

02:07 England

Highest Stack Of Pillows Sat On

Luke Heslington

Luke H. sat on a stack of 17 pillows.

08:39 Northern Ireland

Most Tosses Of A Rubber Duck Between Two People

Matthew Culbert

Matthew and his friend threw a rubber duck back and forth, catching it 710 consecutive times.

00:28 Germany

Fastest Time To Run Five Laps Around A Car

Darius Spychala

Darius S. ran five laps around a car in 17.96 seconds.

00:10 United States

Fastest One-Handed 3-3-3 Speed Stack

(~._.)~ ~(._.)~ ~(._.~)

Joshua M. completed a 3–3–3 speed stacking in 3.15 seconds using only one hand.

06:23 India

Most Bounces Of A Tennis Ball On A Pair Of Scissors

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a tennis ball on a pair of scissors 968 times.

02:43 Chile

Longest Time Balancing A Diabolo Stick Grind

Felipe baraona

Felipe B. balanced a diabolo stick grind for two minutes, 35.38 seconds.

00:41 India

Most One-Handed Charlier Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 42 one-handed Charlier card cuts in 30 seconds.

03:57 United States

Largest Free Floating Soap Bubble

Gary Pearlman

Gary Pearlman made a free floating soap bubble that has a volume of 834 cubic feet. Read more about the feat here.

08:04 India

Most Wooden Chopsticks Fit In Mouth

Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya

Dinesh Shivnath Upadhyaya fit 208 chopsticks in his mouth at once.

01:00:01 India

Longest Time Holding Shoulderstand Pose

Krishan Kumar

Krishan Kumar performed a shoulderstand for 59 minutes, 25.00 seconds.

02:05 Israel

Furthest Distance Ridden On A RipStik While Juggling

or pergamenshik

Or P. rode 270 meters on a RipStik while juggling three balls.

00:30 Australia

Most 360-Degree Spins While Spinning Basketball On Finger


Demythrate spun nine times while spinning a basketball on his finger.

16:36 Wales

Longest Time Balancing Three Beer Bottles On Thumb

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced three beer bottles on his thumb for 14 minutes, 33.51 seconds.

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