Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

01:12 India

Most "Sabers 4PX" Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 18 "Sabers 4PX" card cuts in one minute.

00:58 South Africa

Fastest Time For 10 People To Perform A Five-Kilometer Relay Carrying A 25-Kilogram Bean Bag

Metro Police Tshwane

Metro Police Tshwane and nine of his team members performed a five-kilometer relay in 25 minutes, 4.00 seconds carrying a 25-kilogram bean bag.

00:40 The Internet

Fastest Time To Pull A 2,820-Kilogram Vehicle 30 Meters While Standing Still

Leon Jacobs

Leon J. pulled a 2,820-kilogram vehicle 30 meters in 31.00 seconds while standing still. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

02:24 Wales

Shortest Distance To Chip A Golf Ball Over A Five-Foot Fence

Mark Evans

Mark E. chipped a golf ball over a five-foot fence 12 inches away.

00:11 India

Fastest "Roll" Card Cut While Spinning A Toothbrush On A Pen

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a "Roll" card cut in 1.44 seconds while spinning a toothbrush on a pen.

00:40 United States

Most R's Rolled Backwards In 20 Seconds

Tom Epp

Tom E. rolled R's backwards 30 times in 20 seconds.

00:40 India

Most "Saber's Turnover Crusher" Card Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed eight "Saber's Turnover Crusher" card cuts in 30 seconds.

21:42 India

Longest Time Sitting On An Exercise Ball While Holding Praying Thunderbolt Pose

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. sat on an exercise ball for 21 minutes, 25.42 seconds while holding a praying thunderbolt pose.

01:34 England

Slowest Headbutt

Ryan Moore

Ryan and his friend took one minute, 26.77 seconds to headbutt.

00:31 United States

Fastest Two-Octave C-Major Scale Played On Piano Using A Pocket Cube

Vito O.

Viktor O. played a two-octave C-major scale on a piano in 7.35 seconds using a pocket cube.

00:54 United States

Most Times For Two People To Throw A Rubber Duck At A Camera

Vito O.

Viktor O. and his friend threw a rubber duck at a camera 29 times.

00:41 United States

Tallest Golf Ball Tower Stacked On A Rubik's Cube On Top Of An Empty Tic Tac Box

Vito O.

Viktor O. stacked two golf balls on a Rubik's cube on top of an empty Tic Tac box.

09:07 The Internet

Fastest Time To Subtract Two 70-Digit Numbers By Memory

Praveen Spirals

Praveen Spirals subtracted two 70-digit numbers in 55.31 seconds using only his memory.

02:28 India

Fastest Time To Complete 220 Bounces On An Exercise Ball While Holding A Lotus Pose

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. completed 220 bounces on an exercise ball in two minutes, 15.02 seconds while holding a lotus pose.

03:53 India

Most CDs Hanging On A Strand Tied On A Table Tennis Ball Held On Navel

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. hung 10 CDs on a strand tied on a tennis ball held on his navel.

01:01 India

Most Times Folding Arms In One Minute While Holding A Lotus Pose On An Exercise Ball

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. folded his arms 47 times in one minute while holding a lotus pose on an exercise ball.

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