Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:18 United States

Most Neopets With Names That Include "RecordSetter"

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. has four Neopets with names that include "RecordSetter."

01:16 Canada

Most Book Titles Named In 10 Seconds

Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Evan G. named 27 books in 10 seconds.

02:46 The Internet

Tallest Coca-Cola Plastic Bottle Cap Tower

Dennis Fontaine

Dennis F. stacked 20 Coca-Cola plastic bottle caps in a tower.

02:19 Belgium

Farthest Distance Gleeked

fsdfsdf sdfsfsd

Skyler S. gleeked 163 centimeters.

00:21 India

Fastest "Three-Packet Saber's Tower" Card Display

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a Three-Packet Saber's Tower card display in 0.67 second.

00:42 India

Most Triangle Card Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. completed seven Triangle card cuts in 30 seconds.

11:19 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Floor Sweeper On Thumb

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced a floor sweeper on his thumb for nine minutes, 51.02 seconds.

00:59 Germany

Longest Time To Balance Devil Sticks On Both Index Fingers

Lukas Reichenbach

Lukas R. balanced a devil stick on each of his index fingers at the same time for 45.71 seconds.

03:10 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Bowling Ball On Top Of A Pole On Index Finger

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a bowling ball on top of a pole on his index finger for one minute, 1.12 seconds.

03:08 India

Smallest 3D Painting

Sujit Das

Sujit Das created a painting measuring 4 centimeters in length and 3.5 centimeters in width.

01:11 United States

Most Back And Forth Behind-The-Neck Rolls

Tony Duncan

Tony Duncan performed 35 consecutive behind-the-neck rolls using a four-inch diameter stage ball.

03:21 The Internet

Fastest Full Head Shave


Sjmaccorm shaved his head in one minute, 29.97 seconds.

00:43 United States

Fewest People Needed To Spell A Four-Letter Word


Sam W. and his friend spelled out the word "Tilt" using their bodies.

00:40 United States

Longest Time Hitting A Paddleball While Hanging Upside Down

Paddle Ball King

Paddle Ball King hit a paddleball for 26.47 seconds while hanging upside down.

00:24 United States

Most Salutes In 15 Seconds

Vito O.

Viktor O. performed 53 salutes in 15 seconds.

00:24 United States

Most Salutes In 15 Seconds

Vito O.

Viktor O. performed 53 salutes in 15 seconds.

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