Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:58 United States

Fastest Time To Press All 10 Numbers On A Phone Five Times Using Thumbs

Vito O.

Viktor O. pressed all 10 numbers on a phone five times using his thumbs in 9.73 seconds.

00:16 Wales

Fastest Time To Stack 10 Cans Of Food

Mark Evans

Mark Evans stacked 10 cans of food in 5.15 seconds.

00:13 The Internet

Fastest Time To Name Every Book In The New Testament


Chrissy named every book in the New Testament in 8.68 seconds

01:12 South Africa

Most Times Flipping A 100-Kilogram Tire In One Hour

Chris Batts

Chris B. flipped a 100-kilogram tire 507 times in one hour.

04:58 Pakistan

Most Appearances Of The Word "Eye" In The Lyrics Of A Song

Taher Shah

Taher Shah's song, Eye to Eye, has 226 words, with the word "eye" repeated 60 times to make up approximately 26 percent of the song.

00:24 United States

Fastest Time To Perform Three "Up-The-Ladder" Card Cuts

Gabriel Zudeck

Gabriel Z. performed three "Up-The-Ladder" card cuts in 21.66 seconds.

00:35 The Internet

Most Oranges Cut With A Sword In 30 Seconds

Life Lessons

Nicolas S. of Life Lessons cut five oranges with a sword in 30 seconds. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:27 Australia

Tallest Dice Tower Stacked On A Binder Clip Held In Hand

Marcus Brims

Marcus B. stacked 11 dice into a tower on a binder clip held in his hand.

00:31 United States

Most Thumbs Up In 10 Seconds


Ethan H. lifted his thumb up 45 times in 10 seconds.

00:27 United States

Most Hand Taps On A Microphone In Five Seconds

Vito O.

Viktor O. tapped a microphone 31 times in five seconds.

00:48 United States

Most Times To Flip And Catch A Ruler In 30 Seconds

Vito O.

Viktor O. flipped and caught a ruler 48 times in 30 seconds using one hand.

00:17 United States

Fastest Time To Deal Out Three Playing Cards With A Mini BIC Lighter Standing On Top Of The Deck

Vito O.

Viktor O. dealt out three playing cards with a mini BIC lighter standing on top of the deck in 1.07 seconds.

06:52 United States

Most People Making Balloon Animals At Once

Brian Jackson

Brian J. led 266 people from Bluejacket Public Schools in Bluejacket, Oklahoma in making balloon animals at once.

07:57 United States

Most License Plate Shreds Made With Bare Hands

JD Anderson

JD Anderson tore a license plate into seven pieces using his bare hands. NOTE: This record can be dangerous. Only professionals should attempt.

05:13 United States

Longest Painting

Artist SinGh

Gurmej Singh created "The Transcendental," a 3444.91-meter (11,302 feet, 2.11 inches) long painting. He set the record to raise awareness about liberty, well-being, and the role of women in society. It took Singh 38 days to finish the whole masterpiece. The painting was displayed on the bank of the Grand Rapids River in Michigan, USA.

02:04 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Guitar On Finger While Balancing On A Slackline

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced a guitar on his finger while balancing on a slackline. He set the record as a submission for the #NanananaSubaru Challenge to win Daniel Tosh's Subaru.

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